What is Stress …. The Silent Killer?
Stress is a state of mind that causes worry or emotional tension.
Why Stress Happens?
- When ego is hurt (feedback, comments, criticism)
- When loose something which we feel important
- When a situation is not Acceptable to us
- When want to do/get something but are unable
- Stress is mostly due to
- Fear (of Future)
- Worry (about Past)
- And not so much —- due to Present Moment
- It is always due to the negative perception of Mind
- Different people feel different stress levels for the same situations
Mind Rules the Body:
- Mind rules the Nervous system
- Nervous system rules Endocrine system
- Endocrine system rules rest of the body functions
- Manage your Mind to manage your whole body
What Happens When Stressed?
- Acidity
- Ulcers
- Heart ailments
- Blood Pressure Disorders
- Kidney Problems
- Diabetes
- Cancer
Chain Reaction: Unmanaged Stress
Impacts of Unmanaged Stress
- Brain Continues to operate in higher beta state (15 to 26 cycles per second of electrical impulses (EEG))
- Blood Pressure remains high leading to Heart failure, paralysis
- Acidity, Ulcer and other digestive problems
- Diabetic disorders
- Kidney problems due to overload on removing toxins from the body
- Reduces immunity and makes body susceptible to diseases
- Stress and Mind induced effects on the body are more harmful than the external pollution
- Internal Toxins are far more harmful than external chemical/industrial pollution
Managing Stress: Stimulants are not good

- Stimulants like Tobacco, Coffee, Tea, Coco etc. temporarily trigger higher activities
- Subsequently body craves for more & more stimulants
- Allopathic medicines directly add chemicals to the body and interfere with the internal chemical factories
- E.g. Taking Antacids for Acidity neutralizes the acid in the stomach. Then body thinks that the acid is not sufficient and starts producing more.
- E.g. Anti-depressants suppress the ability of brain cells to generate electric impulses
Managing Stress: What is Good?
- Practice healthy lifestyle and food habits
- Folic Acid and Theanine (kind of Amino Acids found in Green Tea) helps to reduce stress.
- Theanine is sold in US as a dietary supplement.
- The Thiamine (Vitamin B) reduces stress and promotes clear thinking.
- Chew 5-10 seeds of Black Seeds (Kalonji) everyday.
- Some amount of stress is healthy it triggers and energizes the system
- Turn the Stress into a Positive Spiral
- Break the negative cycle at each point
Chain Reaction: Managed Stress
Managing Stress: Manage the Root Cause
Manage Mind … The Root Cause
- Positive Thinking and Attitude
- Meditation, Yoga
- Stop worrying and start living
- Start recitation of Darood-e-Pak whenever feel stressed
- Build capability to face stressful situations and reduce the impact of stress at physiological level
- Say your prayers
- Always speak the truth
- Regular morning walk
Managing Stress: Manage the Root Cause
Larger view of life …. difficulties are part of life!
- The problems that you face, will either defeat you or develop you, depending on how you responded to them?
- We react foolishly, and dislike our problems, rather than pausing to consider, as to what benefits, they might bring.
- Allah (SWT) uses problems: To DIRECT you, to INSPECT you, to CORRECT you, to PROTECT you, and to PERFECT you
- Have multiple positive energy sources
- Games, Hobbies, Participation in positive activities
Managing Stress: Dealing with Parents
Allah (SWT) and His Prophet (SAAW) has cursed the people who found their parents in old age but they could not get paradise by serving them.
- Always talk gently to your parents even if they talk to you rubbishy, even never say …Oh!… to your parents in any situation.
- They need more love and attention from you as compared to your wife and children.
Managing Stress: Dealing with Family
- Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said: The best of you are those who treat the families the best. And I am the best amongst you to my family.
- Your wife & children love you much and also need your consideration.
- They can make mistakes in daily life but they need your lovely guidance. If you wrongly deal their mistakes, it will create stress for all family members including yourself.
- As a result of stressed environment, your next generation may become psycho case and they will repeat the same bad dealing with their next generation.
- People often get angry over unimportant and insignificant matters.
- Anger is a negative reaction, and if you wish to progress on the path of self-improvement or spiritual growth you should avoid it as much as possible.
Managing Stress: Matters Out of Home
- In the outside world, you have to deal many people.
- Each person have its own psychological behavior and mindset.
- Some are senior and some are junior to you.
- They can do many things which you may not like.
- Your seniors can treat you badly, but deal such tough situations intelligently with cool mind.
- Your juniors may make many mistakes, cover their mistakes with kindness.
- You may face harsh positions from general public. Always treat them tactfully in cool and calm way.
- As a result of these practices, your life will become stress free and joyful.
Managing Stress: All Happen for the Good
- Believe that everything in life happens for a purpose, and always for your own good.
- All your past experiences actually happened to bring you to where you are today, and it is always for the good.
- These past experiences make you a better person.
- So, whatever challenges that you may face today, consider it happening to bring you to the next higher level.
Managing Stress: Habits That Help
- Noticing the things that are causing stress
- Be calm in all situations
- Be focused in dealing with stressful issues
- Relaxing techniques (meditation)
- Gratitude (thankfulness)
- Be creative (positive creativity)
- Look at other less fortunate
- Manage anger in healthy manner
- Say Salaam to everyone you see, you know them or not.
- Daydreaming take yourself away on an imaginary holiday:
- Just close your eyes and picture somewhere you’ve been or somewhere you’ve dreamed of!
- Giggling laugh out your stress everyday
Managing Stress: The Meditation
- Meditation is a beautiful and peaceful journey to the stillness within.
- Simply find yourself in a comfortable sitting position with your back straight, close your eyes and become aware of the flow of air into and out of your nostrils.
- Start reciting Sura Fateha in mind while breathing in and out.
- It takes the brain to Alpha state: electrical impulses of 8 to 14 cycles per second.
- At deep meditation level brain goes to Theta state: electrical impulses of 4 to 7 cycles per second.
- It takes the brain to deep relaxation.
- Do this for 10-15 minutes and you’ll find pleasantly surprised how you feel afterward.
Managing Stress: The Endocrine System
- Enzymes produced by Endocrine glands influence every cell, organ and function of the body
- They regulate mood, growth, metabolism, tissue function, sexual & reproductive processes
Managing Stress: the Energy System
- Modern Science considers human body as merely electro-chemical, electro-mechanical and physical phenomena.
- Eastern Spiritual Sciences consider it as an Energy System.
- Homeopathy (Started by Dr. Hahnemann a German Doctor in 1800s)
- Acupressure (originated in China)
- Reiki (the life force; started by Dr. Mikao Usui a Budhist Doctor in 1860s)
Managing Stress: Chakras …. The Energy Centers
- Chakras are situated near the key endocrine glands and nerve groups (plexus)
- Wireless connection to brain; Connection to Cosmic universal energy
Managing Stress: Acupressure Healing
- Acupressure is ancient Chinese healing method that applies pressure to certain meridian points on body to balance energy.
- Acupressure deals with all the aspects of a person as a whole: body, emotions, mind, and spirit as one, not as separate parts.
- It relaxes brain and muscular tension and balances the vital life forces of the body.
Managing Stress: Acupressure – Healing Points
Managing Stress: Reiki Healing
- The Japanese word Reiki means Universal Life Force
- Using Reiki methods, your hands can heal any health disturbance in self or others.
- Reiki is a preventive medicine as well.
- When practicing Reiki on yourself or others, you experience both its preventive and curative functions at the same time.
- This preventive cum curative quality of Reiki makes it a unique healing system.
Managing Stress: Reiki Healing
- Reiki heals diseases, balances spirit, makes the body healthy, and achieves stress free mind.
- Put your hands together with the thumbs touching at the base of the nose. Make sure your hands do not touch the eyes.
- Treating: Stress, face, sinus, ear, nose and throat, cold, pituitary gland, hormone imbalances…
- Wrists together with the right and left hands’ fingers over the temples.
- Treating: Stress, tiredness, headache, brain-problems, pituitary gland, immune defense, hormone imbalances, nerves, emotional problems, concentration, etc.
- Put the hands together and slide them under the head.
- Treating: Stress, worry, headache, colds, brain, neck and back problems, spinal nerve problems.
Managing Stress: The Islamic Way of Reiki
Close your eyes with full attention to Allah (SWT)
Put your hands, with all fingers and thumb together, on the prescribed locations of your body and recite as follows on each:
Managing Stress: Homeopathy Treatment
- Basic principle: What causes disease cures the disease also when given in the potencized form.
- Homeopathic medicine preparation
- Potencization through the process of titration
- Transfer of atomic vibrations to the base substance
- Curing principle
- Right medicine creates energy vibrations in human system
- Increases energy level to improve health conditions
- Subsequently cures with cycles
- Cures inside-out: Mind > Emotional level > Physical level
- Mind & emotional symptoms are the keys for diagnosis
- Ignatia Imara (Ignatia):
- Symptoms: mental stress; worry, shock; sad, sighing; headache, anger.
- Phosphorus:
- Symptom: Restlessness; overexcited state that causes weakness and exhaustion; burning pains; chilliness with thirst for cold drinks; expressive, bothered by light and noise; nervousness and fear; easily frightened or upset, tendency to bleed easily; nosebleeds.
- Avena Sativa:
- Avena Sativa is also helpful to reduce stress by controlling nervous exhaustion, and sleeplessness.
Shakeel Ahmad Shah Hashmi
Alam Complex, Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS)
2 Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26),
Motorway Service Road, Sector H-16, Islamabad
WhatsApp Message: 00923125448922
Timing: 9am to 1pm (Friday and Sunday Off)
For more information: www.healthymanners.com
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah
شکیل احمد شاہ ہاشمی
عالم کمپلیکس، پرائم انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف ہیلتھ سائنسز (PIHS)
موٹروے چوک (چونگی نمبر 26) سے 2 کلومیٹر،
موٹروے سروس روڈ، سیکٹر H-16، اسلام آباد
واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923125448922
ادویات کیلئے واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923259111519.
وقت ملاقات: صبح 9 بجے سے دوپہر 1 بجے تک (ناغہ: جمعہ اور اتوار)
مزید معلومات کیلئے: www.healthymanners.com
یوٹیوب چینل: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah
Shakeel shah sahib you are doing great job. sir what is your location or contact information if i want to meet you in real.
Dear Mr. Waqar, AoA,
I belong to Rawalpind. Please visit my contact page for more info.