Spiritual Cure for Kids Problems:

اولاد کی نافرمانی اور شَر سے حفاظت: تمام مخلوقات اللہ تعالیٰ کی ہی تخلیق ہیں، اور اللہ ہی کے بنائے نظام کے تابع ہیں۔ اللہ نے ہی خیر و شر کا نظام بھی تخلیق کیا اور مخلوق کو اپنی مرضی سے خیر یا شر کا راستہ اختیار کرنے کا مکمل اختیار بھی دیا۔ لیکن کائنات کا مکمل نظام اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ ہی کے تابع ہے اور اللہ کی مرضی کے بغیر درخت کا پتّا بھی حرکت نہیں کر سکتا۔ اس دنیا میں جو بھی وقوع پذیر ہوتا ہے، اس کے پیچھے اللہ کی رضا بھی شامل ہوتی ہے۔ غصہ اور ڈپریشن اس وقت شروع ہوتا ہے، جب ہم یہ سمجھتے ہیں کہ یہ کام ہماری مرضی کے مطابق کیوں نہیں ہوا؟ اور ہم بھول جاتے ہیں کہ دنیا میں صرف اللہ ہی کی مرضی چلتی ہے۔ لہٰذا، اگر کوئی بھی مشکل یا رکاوٹ آ جائے تو اس پر صبر کرتے ہوئے اللہ سے ہی نجات کی دعا کریں اور یقین رکھیں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ بلند مرتبے پر فائز کرنے کیلئے ہی کسی کو بھی آزمائش میں ڈالتا ہے۔ ۔1۔ رات کو باوضو اول و آخر گیارہ، گیارہ بار درود شریف اور درمیان میں ایک ہزار مرتبہ اَلشَّھِیْدُ پڑھ کر پانی یا مٹھائی پر دم کرکے بچوں کو دے اور بچوں پر دم کرے۔ یہ عمل صرف ایک مرتبہ کریں۔ اگر اطاعت میں کچھ کمی دیکھیں تو ایک مرتبہ اور کرلیں۔ ۔2۔ اول وآخر گیارہ گیارہ مرتبہ درود ابراہیمی اور درمیان میں 300 بار یہ اسمائے حسنیٰ یَا وَدُوْدُ، یَا حَکِیْمُ، یَا مَنَّانُ پڑھیں۔ پھر 60 مرتبہ یَا بَرُّ پڑھیں۔ با وضو دن کے کسی وقت یہ پڑھتے رہیں۔ کم از کم 90 دن یہ عمل کریں۔ روزانہ کی پابندی کرلیں تو مزید فوائد بھی ملیں گے۔ ۔3۔ چند یوم ان کے سونے کے بعد با وضو بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ، اَفَغَیْرَ دِیْنِ اللهِ یَبْغُوْنَ وَلَہٗ اَسْلَمَ مَنْ فِی السَّمٰوٰاتِ وَالْاَرْضِ طَوْعًا وَّکَرْهًا وَّ اِلَیْہِ یُرْجَعُوْنَ (آل عمران۔83) پڑھ کر تین بار دائیں کان میں اور تین بار پڑھ کر بائیں کان میں دم کریں۔ ۔4۔ ہر نماز کے بعد، اول و آخر گیارہ، گیارہ بار درود شریف اور ایک سو بار أَصْلِحْ لِيْ فِي ْذُرِّيَّتِيْ إِنِّيْ تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ۔ (الاحقاف۔15) پڑھیں اور اولاد کی اصلاح کی دعا کریں۔ ۔5۔ کسی بھی نماز کے بعد 300 بار روزانہ اس اسم الٰہی یَا رَءُوْفُ یَا حَنَّانُ یَا حَکِیْمُ پڑھیں۔ =============== Prime Cancer Care & General Hospital (PCCGH) Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS) One Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26), Motorway Service Road, Sector H-15, Islamabad WhatsApp Message: 03125448922 Timing: 9am to 1pm (First 3 Weeks of Month, Sunday Off) —– For more information: www.healthymanners.com YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah =============== پرائم کینسر کیئر اینڈ جنرل ہسپتال (PCCGH) پرائم انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف ہیلتھ سائنسز (PIHS) موٹروے چوک (چونگی نمبر 26) سے ایک کلومیٹر، موٹروے سروس روڈ، سیکٹر H-15، اسلام آباد واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923125448922 ادویات کیلئے واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923259111519. وقت ملاقات: صبح 9 بجے سے دوپہر 1 بجے تک (مہینے کے پہلے 3 ہفتے، اتوار کی چھٹی) گوگل لوکیشن: https://maps.app.goo.gl/X5i7RL6Puyf5uP9s9 ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ مزید معلومات کیلئے: www.healthymanners.com یوٹیوب چینل: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah ============== کراچی سے ادویات منگوانے کیلئے:۔ شاہ کلینک، عیسیٰ نگری، کراچی:۔ واٹس ایپ میسیج:۔  00923122764270 جاز کیش: 00923002569229 ================  

Height Gaining in Natural Way

قد بڑھانے کا قدرتی طریقہ: اسباب: قد چھوٹا رہ جانا اکثر جینیاتی عناصر کی وجہ سے ہوتا ہے جو آپ کی غذا، طرز زندگی اور کیمیائی انسانی نمو، اور ہارمونز پر منحصر ہوتا ہے، لیکن اس کے باوجود قدرتی طور پر قد بڑھانے کیلئے ایسی غذائیں اور طریقے موجود ہیں جن سے قد بڑھانا ممکن ہے: پرہیز: شدید بادی غذائیں، تمام بیکری اور کریانہ آئٹمز، تمام پیک شدہ بازاری جوسز، مشروبات اور کھانے، تمام فوڈ سپلی منٹس، جنک فوڈز، فرائی کی گئی غذائیں، سوڈے کی بوتلیں، ٹھنڈا پانیٍ، چائے، مائیکرو ویو اون میں تیار یا گرم کی گئی غذائیں، الکحل، تمباکو، پان، بیڑی، پلاسٹک کے برتن، لیپ ٹاپ، ٹیبلٹ، موبائل فون کا استعمال۔ 1۔ اچھی خوراک: قد بڑھانے کیلئے ایسی غذائیں لیں جن میں کیلشیم، آئرن، وٹامن ڈی سمیت دیگر وٹامنز اور معدنیات موجود ہوں۔ تین ابلے انڈوں کی سفیدی روزانہ کھائیں۔ جَو کا آٹا، باجرہ، مکئی، کیلے، وغیرہ میں فائبر کے ساتھ آئرن، میگنیشیم، اور سیلینیم بھی پایا جاتا ہے، جو قد لمبا کرنے میں مددگار ہے۔ ۔2۔ میٹھی نیند: نیند کے دوران قد بڑھنے کا عمل متحرک ہو جاتا ہے۔ کمر کے بل، دائیں یا بائیں کروٹ سیدھا لیٹنے سے قد میں تیزی سے اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ دن بھر میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی سکڑتی ہے اور لیٹنے کے بعد وہ اپنی اصل شکل میں واپس آ جاتی ہے۔ دماغ کو پرسکون رکھیں اور دن میں کم از کم 8 گھنٹے کی نیند ضرور پوری کریں۔ ۔3۔ جسمانی خشکی، میٹھی نیند کیلئے: تیل سرسوں ہلکے ہاتھ سے سر، ناف، نتھنوں، ہاتھ، پاؤں کے تلوؤں پر لگائیں (کسی رسولی پر دباؤ نہ آئے)۔ رات کو تیل کدو شیریں کا ایک چھوٹا چمچ نیم گرم دودھ سے لیں۔ ۔4۔ وٹامن ڈی اور کیلشیم کیلئے: ڈی۔کَیل پوڈر: سہانجنا کے پتے، سفید موصلی، کوزہ مصری (50، 50 گرام) کا پوڈر بنا کر روزانہ آدھی چھوٹی چمچ (3 گرام) ناشتے کے 2 گھنٹے بعد اور رات کو سونے سے گھنٹہ قبل، ہمراہ نیم گرم دودھ لیں اور 2 اُبلے انڈوں کی سفیدی لیں۔ ہر ہفتہ مچھلی کے تیل کا 1 کیپسول لیں۔ جسم کو ٹھنڈی دھوپ زیادہ لگائیں۔ ۔5۔ خون کی کمی کیلئے: خون افزاء پوڈر: ایک سے 3 چٹکی، روزانہ 2 سے 3 بار، نیم گرم دودھ یا تازہ مکس جوسز سے لیں ۔یا۔ ہومیو سیرپ آئرن پلس کا ایک چمچ دن میں 2 بار لیں۔ ۔6۔ گوشت کھائیں: گوشت میں پروٹین کی کافی مقدار پائی جاتی ہے، جو ہڈیوں کو مضبوط بنا کر قد میں اضافے کا باعث بنتی ہے۔ دیسی مرغی کے گوشت میں موجود وٹامن بی 12، نیاسین، سیلینیم، فاسفورس اور امائنو ایسڈ وغیرہ قد کو بڑھاتے ہیں۔ مچھلی میں اومیگا تھری، وٹامن ڈی اور پروٹین قد بڑھانے میں معاون ہیں۔ ۔7۔ بادام کھائیں: بادام میں وٹامنز، معدنیات، فائبر، منگنز اور میگنیشیم کی وافر مقدار پائی جاتی ہے۔ یہ قد بڑھانے کے ساتھ ذہن کو بھی تیز بناتے ہیں۔ ۔8۔ دودھ اور دہی کا استعمال: دودھ میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن ڈی اور کیلشیم ہڈیوں کو مضبوط بناتے ہیں جس سے قد بڑھنے لگتا ہے۔ دہی میں بھی بنیادی غذائی اجزاء مثلاً کیلشیم، میگنیشیم، فاسفورس اور پوٹاشیم، وغیرہ وافر مقدار میں پائے جاتے ہیں جو کہ مدافعتی نظام کو بہتر بنانے اور قد کو بڑھانے میں اہم کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔ ۔9۔ انڈوں کا استعمال: انڈے وٹامن B12 اور پروٹین سے بھرپور ہوتے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے قد بڑھنے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔ صبح ناشتے میں ایک آدھا ابلا ہوا انڈا لازمی شامل کریں۔ انڈا فرائی یا آملیٹ کھانے سے اُلٹا نقصان کا خطرہ ہے۔ ۔10۔ شکر قندی کھائیں: شکر قندی میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن بی 6، وٹامن سی، منگنز، میگنیشیم اور پوٹاشیم پایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ اجزاء جسمانی ڈھانچے کو بڑھانے میں مدد دیتے ہیں۔ یہ سٹریس اور ڈپریشن کو کم کرنے میں بھی مدد کرتا ہے۔ شکرقندی میں سوزش، اینٹی ذیابیطس، اور قد بڑھانے کے لیے اہم خصوصیات بھی ہیں۔ ۔11۔ سبزیاں اور پھل کھائیں: قد بڑھانے کیلئے تازہ پھل اور سبزیاں کھائیں۔ ان میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن سی، وٹامن ڈی، کیلشیم، کاربوہائڈریٹس، آئرن اور پوٹاشیم پایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ غذائی اجزاء قد بڑھانے میں بہت معاون ہیں۔ سبز رنگ کی سبزیوں کا استعمال زیادہ کرنا چاہیے۔ ۔12۔ قد بڑھانے کیلئے ورزشیں: چند ورزشوں کو اپنا کر اور اپنی روزمرہ کی زندگی میں کچھ مثبت تبدیلیاں لا کر قد بڑھایا جا سکتا ہے۔ اچھی خوراک کیساتھ قد بڑھانے کیلئے ورزش کرنا بھی بہت ضروری ہے۔ اگر ورزش نہیں کریں گے تو خوراک زیادہ اثر نہیں کرے گی: ۔13۔ لٹکنے والی ورزش: قد بڑھانے میں لٹکنے والی ورزشوں کی بہت زیادہ اہمیت ہے۔ کسی بھی لوہے کی راڈ یا کسی مضبوط چیز کو پکڑیں اور لٹک جائیں۔ جتنی دیر ممکن ہو خود کو لٹکا کر رکھیں۔ دن بہ دن لٹکنے کا وقت بڑھائیں۔ اس سے قد لمبا، ریڑھ کی ہڈی اور پیٹ کے پٹھے مضبوط ہوتے ہیں۔ ۔14۔ دیوار پر ٹارگٹ کو چھونا: اپنے گھر میں کسی دیوار کے ساتھ دیوار کی طرف منہ کر کے کھڑے ہو جائیں۔ اپنی ایڑیاں زمین پر رکھیں اور دونوں بازو زیادہ سے زیادہ اوپر کو اُٹھائیں۔ اب کسی کچی پنسل یا رنگ سے اپنے ہاتھ کی انگلی سے ایک انچ اونچا چھوٹا سا نشان لگا دیں۔ صبح شام ۵ سے ۱۰ منٹ تک اسی نشان کو ہاتھ سے چھونے کی کوشش کریں۔ جب ہاتھ اس نشان تک پہنچ جائے تو پھر اس سے ایک انچ مزید اوپر ایک اور نشان لگا لیں۔ ۔15۔ تیراکی کرنا: تیراکی کے دوران پانی کے اندر ریڑھ کی ہڈی کے مہروں پر بوجھ بہت کم ہوتا ہے جبکہ جوڑ زیادہ کُھل کر آرام دہ حالت میں ورزش کر پاتے ہیں، جس سے قد کے بڑھنے کے عمل میں تیزی آتی ہے۔ ۔16۔ سائیکل چلانا: قد لمبا کرنے کیلئے سائیکل چلانے کی عادت اپنائیں، سائیکل چلانے سے ٹانگیں مضبوط اور لمبی ہوتی ہیں، جبکہ سٹیمنا بھی زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔ ۔17۔ رسی کودنا: یہ قد بڑھانے سمیت وزن میں کمی کا بھی سبب بنتی ہے۔ اس سے ہڈیاں اور پٹھے مضبوط ہوتے ہیں جبکہ وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ قد بھی بڑھتا ہے۔ ۔18۔ وی شیپ یوگا: سیدھا کھڑے ہو کر نیچے کی جانب جھکتے ہوئے دونوں ہاتھوں سے زمین کو چھونے کی کوشش کریں، اس دوران سر اور جسم گھٹنوں

Vitiligo, Burs, Phulbehry Treatment

Vitiligo, Burs or Phulbehry is a skin disease that is difficult to recover. It is caused by a loss of pigment (Melanin) in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes. One possible explanation might be that the body’s immune system destroys the cells, as in other autoimmune conditions. It may take a period of one to two years of treatment. During the treatment please avoid salt, sour things, meat, fish, rice, oil, gur, and pepper. Use gram-flour bread, potatoes and peanuts in the skins can use the lentils, carrots and spinach. Vitamins rich diet is useful. Alternative Treatment of Burs: Wash Moringa (Sohanjna) leaves in warm salty water and dry in airy shadow. Then grind to powder and take one tablespoon, thrice a day, with water. Bath twice a day. Sit in the sun for ten minutes a day. Eat six hundred grams cucumber and raw bitter gourd three times a day. Avoid sour things. Do not use soft drinks and red meat. Applying walnut oil on the white spots helps remove spots. Applying Daal maash for four months on white spots is also useful. Massage the body with bitter oil (Tara-meera oil) each day and take a bath half an hour after the massage. Eat a pill of “Ginkgo Biloba” daily. Mix five tablespoons of turmeric powder in two 250 grams of mustard oil (Sursoon ka tail) and apply twice a day on the white parts of the body. Continue this process for a year. Mix well the Onion juice, Honey and Salt and apply on burs scars daily. Grind the dried peels of pomegranate to powder and take a teaspoon with water in morning and evening. Grind the leaves, flowers, and fruit of Neem tree to powder, and take half a teaspoon with water daily. Grind and mix garlic with turmeric powder and make a paste with water. Apply this paste on white spots. Take 125 grams of Turmeric and 500 grams of medicated spirit, mix them in a glass bottle. Keep it tightly closed and lay in the sun for three days. Shake three times a day, and keep it safe for use after filtering the tincture. Apply this tincture three times daily on white spots. The black Charcoal (Tarkol) which is used in preparation of the roads is absolutely good for white spots. It is available ion Building Material Stores. Mix it with kerosene oil to prepare a paste or black cream. Paste this cream in the evening on white spots and cover it with a piece of cloth. The next morning set a new strip. Do it for 3 days, and leave it open for next three days. Now again repeat it for 3 days, and then leave. Also apply Olive oil on white spots during off days. If the skin is red, do not worry, there are signs that it is healing. Continue it until healing is complete. Spiritual Treatment of Bars: After each prayer, recite 100 times یَاخَالِقُ یَامُصَوِّرُ یَا جَمِیْلُ and blow to your affected areas. After making ablution pray two rikaat of nafal of and then say: یَا اﷲُ یَا رَحْمٰنُ یَا رَحِیْمُ، یَا سَمِیْعَ الدَّعَوَاتِ، یَا مُعْطِیَ الدُّنْیَا وَخَیْرَ الْآخِرَۃِ وَقِنِیْ شَرَّ الدُّنْیَا وَشَرَّ الْآخِرَۃِ وَٲَذْہِبْ عَنِّیْ مَا ٲَجِدُ فَقَدْ غَاظَنِی الْاَمْرُ وَٲَحْزَنَنِیْ۔ =============== Prime Cancer Care & General Hospital (PCCGH), Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS) One Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26), Motorway Service Road, Sector H-15, Islamabad WhatsApp Message: 00923125448922 Timing: 9am to 1pm (First 3 Weeks of Month, Sunday Off) Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/X5i7RL6Puyf5uP9s9 —– For more information: www.healthymanners.com YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah =============== برص، پھلبہری کا قدرتی علاج: برص یا پھلبہری (Vitiligo) ایک جِلدی بیماری ہے جو مشکل سے ٹھیک ہو تی ہے۔ میلینن (Melanin) کی کمی سے سفید دھبے نمودار ہوتے ہیں، جو پورے جسم پر پھیل جاتے ہیں۔ دورانِ علاج اگر سفید داغ سیاہ پڑنے لگیں تو سمجھ لیں کہ مریض شفا کی طرف جا رہا ہے۔ علاج میں ایک سے دو سال لگ سکتے ہیں۔ علاج کے دوران سوڈا واٹر، نمک، ترش چیزیں، سرخ گوشت ، چاول، تیل، گڑ، سرخ مرچ استعمال نہ کریں۔ اس کی بجائے چنے کے آٹے کی روٹی، مونگ کی چھلکوں والی دال، گاجر، پالک، اور تھوڑی مقدار میں آلو استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔ کیلشیم اور وٹامنز سے بھرپور غذا کا استعمال مفید ہے۔ ضروری پرہیز: گوشت، انڈے کی زردی، دالوں، چاول اور بادی غذاؤں، سفید آٹا یا میدہ، تمام بیکری اور کریانہ آئٹمز، تمام پیک شدہ بازاری جوسز، مشروبات اور کھانے، وغیرہ، تمام فوڈ سپلی منٹس، جنک فوڈز، تمام فرائی کی گئی غذائیں، تمام شدید گرم یا بادی تاثیر والے تازہ یا خشک پھل، سبزیاں، غذائیں یا مشروبات، تمام مائیکرو ویو اون میں تیار شدہ یا گرم کی گئی غذائیں، سرخ، سبز یا شملہ مرچ، سفید نمک، چینی، شکر یا گڑ، الکحل، تمباکو، پان، بیڑی، پلاسٹک کے برتن، وغیرہ کا استعمال۔ قدرتی علاج: 1. سہانجنا درخت کے پتے نیم گرم نمکین پانی میں دھو کر، ہوادار سائے میں خشک کریں۔ پھر پوڈر بنا کر ایک بڑا چمچ، ہمراہ پانی، دن میں تین بار لیں۔ 2. ہلدی 125 گرام کو 500 گرام اسپرٹ میں ڈال کر شیشے کی بوتل میں اچھی طرح بند کر کے تین دن کیلئے دھوپ میں رکھیں۔ دن میں تین بار ہلائیں، اور اس کے بعد چھان کر شیشی میں رکھیں۔ روزانہ تین بار داغوں پر لگائیں۔ 3. پانچ بڑے چمچ ہلدی کو دو سو پچاس گرام سرسوں کے تیل میں مکس کرکے جسم کے سفید حصوں پر دن میں دو بار لگائیں۔ ایک سال تک یہ عمل جاری رکھیں۔ 4. زیرہ سفید اور بابچی برابر وزن سفوف بنا کر پانچ ماشہ سفوف کو ایک گلاس پانی میں رات کو بھگو کر صبح مل چھان کر خالی معدہ پلائیں۔ اسی طرح صبح بھگو کر شام کو پلائیں۔ 5. روغن برص: زیرہ سفید، بابچی اور امبربیل (100، 100) گرام کو 300 گرام تلوں کے تیل میں جلا کر براؤن کر کے ٹھنڈا کر کے یہ تیل داغوں پہ صبح شام لگائیں۔ 6. چند روز تک تازہ کوڑتمہ کی کاشیں کاٹ کر ایک بڑے

Hair Problems Alternative Treatment Recipes

Falling Hair or Baldness 1. Add, handful of Hinna (Mehendi) leaves into 250 grams of Coconut Oil and boil them. Apply this oil daily into the hair. The hair will grow better. 2. Mix a spoon of honey and a spoon of Cinnamon Powder into 2 spoons of Olive Oil. Apply this paste to the head 20 minutes before bath. The baldness will end. 3. Grind raw onion, mix in the honey and absorb in the hair. Or grind a red onion in some water and apply it in hair for 15 minutes daily, before bath. Hair will start rising in a month. 4. Grind 50g of Potentilla Nepalensis (Rattan Jot), Soapnut (Reetha), Indian Gooseberry (Aamla), Sikakai, Misletoe (Amarbail), and mix it in one kilogram of mustard oil. Now put this mixture for five days. Oil will become red. Continuous use of this oil will prevent your falling hair and hair will grow again. 5. Drink tea (Qahwah) of one gram white Cumin (Zerah) and Jaggery (Gurr), twice a day. Appropriate amount of apple, spinach, tomatoes, strawberry, pepper and pomegranate should be added in daily food. 6. Apply Aloe Vera Gel in the hair and after one hour, wash with water boiled with leaves of Indian Plum (Bairy) tree. 7. Prepare paste by grinding 150 grams of green leaves of Indian Plum (Bairy) in water. Apply this paste daily on head for 15 minutes. Within 40 days the hair will stop falling. 8. Take a spoon of Khameera Gaozeba Anmbri Jawahardar, early in the morning and evening, daily and drink a glass of milk after it. Hair loss will stop. 9. Boil six eggs, take out their nuts (the yellow part), burn it on light flames. After a short time, the drops of oil will begin to get out of it. Now collect the oil by pressing them. Add it to olive oil in equal weight, and apply it on hair in the night before bedtime. Hair will begin to grow again in a few days. Hair Dryness and Dandruff 1. Lightly massage the mustard oil in the hair, 15 minutes before bath. 2. Soak two large spoonful Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds in water all night, make its paste and apply it in the hair in the morning. After an hour or half, wash with mixture of Soapnut (Reettha) and Sikakai. 3. Burn a little quantity of dry coriander (Dhanya) in 100 gram of Desi Ghee. Now apply this Ghee to hair at night and wash your hair in the morning, daily for one week. 4. Mix coconut and henna (mehndi) oil in equal quantity and apply to hair. 5. Add a few drops of lemon juice and egg in the henna (mehndi) and apply to hair, then wash it after an hour. 6. Mix two spoon of cedar in 4 spoons of hot water and apply on hair at night, twice a week and wash it in the morning. 7. Soak some Fenugreek (Methi) seeds in water for two days, grind them and store in a jar. Now apply some paste in hair. Mix some little paste in cedar and massage it in the hair, twice a week and wash it after half an hour. 8. Daily massage juice of four lemons in the roots of hair, and then rub pure mustard oil in the hair, after half an hour. White Hair Cure 1. Massage of Amla oil in hair protects from the pre-time white hair. 2. Take a teaspoon of mixture of Jawarish Jalinus and Atriphal Ustokhudus, empty stomach, for three months, in the morning and evening. 3. Soak some Fenugreek (Methi) powder in the coconut oil at night and paste it in the hair in the morning. Wash after 20 minutes. 4. Eat three Murabba Aamla with one glass of semi-hot milk, in the morning and evening. Hair will be darkened in five to six months. 5. Soke seven almonds, fourteen Raisins (dried grapes) in water at the night. Early in the morning, unpeel the almonds and eat with raisins, at least for three months. 6. Boil 6 grams of Lavender (Ustokhudoos) herb in a cup of water for five minutes and drink semi-hot, in empty stomach, in the morning and evening. 7. Cook one kilograms each of Celastrus Paniculata (Malkangni) and Colocynth (Kord Tumma/Halila) in one kilogram of water. When half of the water is left, then filter the water and mix one kilogram of Mustard Oil in it and boil it again till the water vanishes. Save the oil when all the water is dry. Apply this oil in hair roots daily. The hair will start becoming black. 8. Add 10 drops of Almond oil and half spoon of honey in a glass of milk and drink once a day. White hair will start becoming black. 9. Make powder of Acacia Concinna (Shikakai), Vetch (Daal of Maash) and Fenugreek seed (Methi Dana) in same weight. Wash your hair with this powder by mixing in water. Hair loss and white hair will stop. 10. Take 125grams each of Kalonji seeds, Colocynth seeds (Tukham Andraen) and Azadirachta seeds (Tukham Neem). Break them to semi powder, and burn in one kilogram Olive oil. Filter and save this oil and apply in the roots of the hair at night. White hair will become black. 11. Mix 100g oil each of Kalonji, Olive, Coconut and Azadirachta (Neem). Now burn 100g of Azadirachta (Neem) leaves in this oil. Now filter this oil and apply in hair daily. White hair will darken. 12. Just suck a Chebula Myroalan (Terminalia Chebula or Halila/Harard) daily, the white hair will become black. 13. Burn on light flame Hinna (Mehndi) Leaves 12g, Black Seeds (Klonji) 7g, Cloves (Long) 2g, in Coconut Oil 250g, and apply it in the roots of the hair before sleeping. 14. Cut the head of a pomegranate of middle size, and put in this hole 6g of Mercury (Para). After that, bind the head with the cut-piece of the pomegranate with a

Fagonia (Dhamasa) Benefits

What is Fagonia? Bisically, the Fagonia (Dhamasa) is a plant found in deserted areas, but it is also widely spread in all areas including hilly surface. However, it’s pants cannot grow in the area of snowfall. Different names of the herb are as follows: Arabic Name: Badavard, Baadaaward, Shawka al-Baidaa, Shukaaa, AqsoonAssamese/Bengali Name: DuralabhaEnglish Name: Cretan Prickly Clover, Khorasan thorn, Virgin’s Mantle, Virgon’s MantlemLatin name: Fagonia arabica Linn.German Name: Fagonie, FagoniaGujarati Name: Dhamasi, DhamaasoHindi/Sanskrit Name: Dhamasa, Dhamaso, Dhamah, Damah, Damahan, Dhamhar, Durlabha, Duralabha, Dhanvayas, Samudranta, Gandhari, Dusparsha, Kachura, Ananta, Gilaregati, Khorasan, Hinguaa, Dhanhare, Dhanvyaas, Dhanvyas, DramahMarathi Name: DhamasaPersian Name: BadavardPashto Name: AzghakayPunjabi Name: Dhamah, Dhamaha, Dama, DhamaanUrdu Name: Dhamasa, Dhamaya, Soochi Booti, ShokaiMalayalam Name: KodittuvaTamil Name: TulganariTelugu Name: Chittigava, Gilaregati For more detail on types of Fagonia please click here. All types of Fagonia have similar benefits, but the type of Fagonia having more flowers and leaves, will give quick results. Fagonia is a single herbal medicine having miraculous curing effects on general health issues including serious illnesses like cancers, hepatitis, heart disorders, etc., without any serious side-effects. Some people misunderstand Fagonia as Camel Thorn, but in fact camel thorn is a separate plant. Its leaves are very thin and grow between two thorns. The thorns are in triplet or quartet. The branches of the plant are very thin so it can’t grow straight but it is laid on the ground, in shape of a small bush. The plant grows 9-12 inches, widely in a circle. Fagonia plant has sweet, bitter, sharp and sour taste according to different stages of growth and parts. This plant is found in Italy, Germany, middle-east countries, Pakistan and India. It has been accepted as treatment of cancers especially the blood and liver cancers. The color of flowers is purple. Plant has large number of small fruits near thorns. These fruits are quite like 00 in shape. Benefits of Fagonia: It is the best blood purifier and decomposes blood clots to save from brain hemorrhage and heart problems. It’s flowers and leaves can treat all types of Cancers, Thalasemia and PCOS/PCOD. Can be used for cooling effect – Treats all types of Hepatitis. Strengthens liver and prevents/cures liver cancer. Improves heart and mental ability. Helpful in treatment of body pains. Cures allergies. Heals pimples and other dermatology problems. Strengthens stomach. It alleviates symptoms like vomiting, thirst and burning sensation, etc. It increases the physical strength and weight of the week and under weight people. Helpful in controlling weight for bulky persons. Cures mouth & gum disorders. Normalizes blood pressure disorders. Treats asthma & breathing difficulty. Helps recovering from smoking side-effects. Hot infusion of Fagonia is given to prevent small pox. It increases urination and hence overhauls the kidneys and urination system. It is applied over neck stiffness. Being spermatogenic, improves sperm count in semen and helps normalizing the male and female reproductive systems. Perfectly controls Leucorrhoea (لیکوریا) disorders in women. Perfectly cures Atthra, an incurable female disease in Allopathic, in which blue or black spots appear in various parts of body skin. Atthra: Miscarriage, birth of dead child or immediate death of infant soon after delivery because of green or yellow color diarrhea or loose motions is caused by this horrible disease called ATTHRA. Some babies die before birth in the ovary. Some women only give birth to girl babies or only girls survive but boys expire after birth. Further some women experience stomach and liver disorder because of ATTHRA. They get weak and feel irregular heart beat and breathe disorder. Such women cannot bear normal pregnancy. Most pregnancies end with abortion and if not aborted, the infant will die. As an antioxidant, helps reducing stress. …and the list of benefits goes on. If you are still suffering from harmful diseases, it means you are yet unaware of the benefits of Fagonia (Dhamasa). How to use? The best remedy for Liver is Flowers and Leaves of this herb. It can be used to treat your disease within three to four months. Please choose any of the following options:1. Just collect Flowers, Leaves and Seeds of Fagonia. Wash them with warm water, dry in airy shadow, and when it is completely dried, then grind it to powder. Then mix one teaspoon or tablespoon (as per age and body weight) of this Fagonia Powder in any food or fresh fruit juice or just take it with water after meals, twice a day.2. You can also use whole green part of its branches inclusive of thorns, woods, leaves, fruits and flowers combined after washing and then grinding them in water. A cup or a glass of filtered juice, is enough to take after meals twice or thrice a day. It is better for all types of Cancers, Hepatitis or other liver problems.3. You can mash and grind the leaves or green branches of Fagonia like thick paste and then can convert them in shape of tablets in the size of a chickpea (چنا). Just swallow two tablets with morning/evening meals.4. If it is not available in green form, you can get its complete plant inclusive of flowers and leaves in dried form, from the stores in the market. Just grind them all to powder, filter it thrice with cloth and then fill the powder in 1000mg capsules. Take 1-2 two capsules immediately after meals, twice or thrice a day. The women suffering from Atthra disease will continue it in all nine months pregnancy to get healthy child. It has given great positive, curing results when it was used in liquid form, for just two weeks. Note: Never swallow it when your stomach is empty but take it during your food or immediately after finishing your food, otherwise, it may result in some gastric problems. دھماسہ کیا ہے؟ دھماسہ ویران علاقوں میں پایا جانے والا ایک خود رو پودہ ہے۔ اسے اردو میں دھماسہ یا سچی بوٹی، عربی میں “شوکت البیضأ”، پشتو میں ازغاکے ، پنجابی میں دھماں یا دھمایاں، ہندی میں دھماسہ، پوٹھوہاری میں تمہیاں ، سندھی

Wheatgrass for Healthy Life!

What is Wheatgrass? Wheatgrass is the only plant known at this time that will uptake all of the elements and make them bio-available to the human body. It contains chlorophyll, 20 amino acids, several hundred different enzymes not found in other foods, as many as 90 out of 102 possible minerals, vitamins and other important nutrients. It is perfect for dieters, athletes, and people on the go, who want to maintain a healthy immune system or simply anyone who wants to feel GREAT. Wheatgrass is the young grass stage of wheat grain plants, taken just after sprouting. It contains 70% chlorophyll, chlorophyll being the basis of all plant life. Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria. In 1958 Dr. Ann Wigmore was singly most responsible for popularizing wheatgrass for its healing properties. She tested various weeds and grasses from all over the world at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, and wheatgrass was her favourite due to its high nutrient content. Growing Tips 1. Fill the tray with the organic compost mixture. 2. Sprinkle one handful of mineral fertilizer over the soil, evenly, to ensure the highest nutritional value of the grass you grow. 3. Place 150-200 grams of the wheat grain seed into a jar, fill with water, and soak overnight. 4. Soak the wheat grain seeds in a dark place in the jar for 2-3 days until the seeds are converted to tiny sprouts. 5. Plant the sprouted seeds by gently spreading it evenly over the top of the soil, not buried in the soil. 6. Spray the water on the tray of wheatgrass seed thoroughly, making sure not to disturb the seeds. 7. Take 6 to 8 pages of newspaper and completely cover the tray so that as little light as possible reaches the seed. Soak the newspaper completely with the watering can. This will help the seeds to sprout. 8. For the next 2 to 3 days, keep newspaper wet. If newspaper dries out, the root hairs of the wheat will dry out and the grass will not come up well. A piece of plastic can be laid over the newspaper to keep in from drying out. On the second day take the newspaper off and water the grass and then place the newspaper back on for one more day. 9. When the grass is one to two inches tall, remove the newspaper and expose to indirect light. If it is completely hot outside, put the tray in the shade. If you grow it inside the house, drain over your sink, and then put grass near a window. 10. Once the wheatgrass are set out in the light, they need to be watered every day. 11. Begin to harvest the grass when it is six to seven inches tall. 12. You can only harvest when you are going to juice at that time or you can harvest the whole tray. If you harvest the whole tray put it into a plastic bag and store in your refrigerator. 13. Each tray harvests approximately 14 ounces of juice. 14.    One ounce of wheatgrass a day to begin with is ideal, working up to 4 ounces. Wheatgrass juice can be taken on an empty stomach, several times a day. Benefits Amino Acids The action of amino acids on cells in the process of self-renewal rejuvenates and prolongs life. Wheatgrass contains the following amino acids: Absenisic Lysine – anti-ageing Leucine – energy and nerve stimulation Tryptophane – skin and hair growth Phenylalanine Theronine – digestion and assimilation Valine – brain/muscle co-ordination Methionine Alanine – blood builder Arginine Glumatic acid – mental alertness Aspartic acid – energy Glycine – energy Proline – glumatic acid absorption Serine – brain stimulation Isoleucine – growth in infants Chlorophyll Wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll, which is the basis of all plant life. Through photosynthesis, the proteinous compound called chlorophyll converts the suns energy into chemical energy, used by plants and animals. Chlorophyll helps to destroy free radicals. 15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery, and so forth. It contributes to healthy metabolism and blood circulation which keeps the heart and blood vessels clear and healthy. Body Cleanser Wheatgrass juice is good for the health of the stomach and digestive system. Body Builder Chlorophyll (wheatgrass juice) has a nearly identical chemical structure to haemoglobin (red blood cells), which is the body’s critical oxygen and iron-carrying blood protein. Wheatgrass is high in oxygen. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment. Wheatgrass Juice helps to stimulate metabolism and contains enzyme systems and an abundance of alkaline minerals. Nutrients Wheatgrass juice has more than 90 organic minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium, which aid in maintaining digestion, metabolism, oxygen transport and fluid regulation throughout the body. Organic minerals found in wheatgrass juice are more easily absorbed and utilized by the body than synthetic pill forms. The following vitamins are found in wheatgrass juice: Vitamin A: essential for healthy eyes, skin and growth – also an important antioxidant and immune system component. Vitamin B: helps the digestive system and adrenal glands; essential for normal brain and body formation. Vitamin C: maintains health of skin, eyes, muscles, joints, teeth and gums. Vitamin E: an essential antioxidant that protects tissue cells and maintains healthy skin. Vitamin E also helps the body to use oxygen, whilst benefiting the blood and blood vessels. Enzymes Enzymes are the catalysts that spark biological and chemical reactions in the body. They’re important active ingredients in wheatgrass juice, and are vital for the body’s well-being. Here are some of the enzymes found in wheatgrass: Protease: aids in protein digestion. Amylase: facilitates starch digestion. Superoxide Dismutase: helps to maintain healthy cells. Cytrochrome Oxidase: an anti-oxidant used for proper cell respiration. Transhydrogenase: keeps heart muscle tissue toned. Lipase: fat-splitting enzyme. Wheatgrass for Curing Cancers: How It Works? The oxygen is a bullet to kill the cancer

Lemons for Curing Cancers

Nutritional Profile Nutrition Data reports that each quarter cup of lemon juice provides 61 calories, with no fat. It contains 21g of carbohydrates and 1g of protein. Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C as each 1/4 cup of the juice provides over 28mg of the vitamin, which is about 47 percent of the daily recommended value for a healthy diet every day. It is also a good source of potassium, providing 75mg. This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer! Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy. We not know about that because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. No Bad Side Effects You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy Chemicals and their Side Effects Chemotherapy chemicals are derived from the deadly Mustard Gas that was first used against soldiers in World War-I. Chemotherapy, unfortunately, cannot differentiate between cancerous cells and normal healthy cells so it targets and destroy all the body cells. Another side effect of the chemotherapy is another cancer. Yes, the cancer, but the doctors don’t say much about it. It is printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print, of course). If you go into a cancer treatment clinic with one type of cancer, and you allow yourself to be injected with chemotherapy chemicals, you will often develop a second type of cancer as a result. Your oncologist will often claim to have successfully treated your first cancer even while you develop a second or third cancer directly caused by the chemo used to treat the original cancer. While preparing these toxic chemical prescriptions, it turns out that pharmacists are exposing themselves to cancer-causing chemotherapy agents in the process. And because of that, pharmacists are giving themselves cancer… and they’re dying from it. The risks of handling chemotherapy drugs include skin rashes, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects, and possibly leukemia or other cancers.  Bladder cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia are the three most common secondary malignancies related to chemotherapy exposure. The journal “Oncology Nursing Society” reported in a survey carried out in 2005 on 7,500 nurses a significant association with infertility and miscarriage in nurses who handled chemotherapy before the age of 25. Cure Cancers – Save Human Lives How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to endanger the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc. It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas. The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells. Cure for Deficiency of Vitamin C Lemon juice can also be used to prevent and treat scurvy, a serious health condition that results from a severe deficiency of vitamin C. The symptoms of scurvy include soft, bleeding gums, anemia and bumps that form under the skin near the muscles. Since the 17th century, physicians have known that daily intake of lemon juice can help prevent scurvy. How to Use? Lemon juice can be used by adding water and Honey in Summer season. In Winter mix Lemon juice (One Cup), Honey (One Cup) and Turmeric (One Teaspoon). Keep it in a glass jar and take one teaspoon thrice a day. Warning! While lemon juice is generally recognized as safe if used as food, it is cautioned that ingesting lemon juice can have erosive effects on the tooth enamel. In severe cases, it can erode the teeth down to the level of the gums. Like other citrus fruit, it may also worsen the symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux disease. لیموں سے کینسر کا علاج لیموں کے غذائی اجزأ لیموں کے رس کے ایک چوتھائی کپ میں بغیر چربی کے 61 کیلوریز ہوتی ہیں۔ اس میں ۲۱ گرام کاربوہائیڈریٹس اور ایک گرام پروٹین بھی پائی جاتی ہے۔ اس رس میں سے ۲۸ گرام وٹامن سی پایا جاتا ہے۔ جبکہ یہ مقدار جسم کی روزانہ ضرورت کا ۴۷ فیصد ہے۔ اس میں پوٹاشیم کی ۷۵ ملی گرام بھی ملتی ہے۔ تازہ ترین تحقیق کے مطابق لیموں کا جوس کینسر کے لئے انتہائی مؤثر ہے۔ لیموں (سٹرس) کینسر کے خلیات کو مارنے کے لئے ایک معجزانہ دوا ہے۔ یہ کیموتھراپی سے دس ہزار گنا طاقتور ہے۔ کیموتھراپی صحت مند اور کینسر زدہ تمام جسمانی خلیوں کو تباہ کر دیتی ہے، جبکہ لیموں کا رس صرف کینسر زدہ خلیوں کو تباہ کرتا ہے اور صحت مند خلیوں کو کوئی نقصان نہیں پہنچتا۔ لیموں کا رس کینسر کے مرض کی روک تھام میں فائدہ مند ہے، اورلیموں کا ذائقہ بھی خوشگوار ہے اور یہ کیموتھراپی جیسےہولناک اثرات بھی پیدا نہیں کرتا۔ کیموتھراپی کیمیکل اور ان کے ضمنی اثرات کیموتھراپی کیمیکلز مہلک مسٹرڈ گیس سے نکالے جاتے ہیں جو کہ پہلی جنگ عظیم میں فوجیوں کے خلاف استعمال کی گئی تھی۔ کیموتھراپی، بدقسمتی

Cancer: Prevention & Treatment

What is Cancer? The Cancer is a broad group of various diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. The cells grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. There are over 200 different known cancers that afflict humans. Causes of Cancer: Many things are known to increase the risk of cancer, including tobacco, certain infections, radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants. These can directly damage genes or combine with existing genetic faults within cells to cause the disease. Approximately 5-10% of cancers are entirely inherited. Cancer Detection: Cancer can be detected in a number of ways, including: the presence of certain signs and symptoms, screening tests, bone marrow or medical imaging. Once a possible cancer is detected it is diagnosed by microscopic examination of a tissue sample. Cancer Types: Cancer types can be grouped into broader categories. The main categories of cancer include: Carcinoma – cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma – cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukemia – cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and myeloma – cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers – cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord. Important Facts about Cancer: Everyone Have Cancer Cells: Every person has cancer cells in the body but it does not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billions. If the doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. Cancer cells occur 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime. Role of Immune System: When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours. A person having cancer indicates that he has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system. Chemotherapy is Dangerous: Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract, etc. It can cause organ damage, like liver, heart kidneys, lungs, etc. Another side effect of the chemotherapy is another cancer. Yes, the cancer, but the doctors do not say much about it. It is printed right on the chemo drug warning labels (in small print). Radiation is Dangerous As Well: Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction. Result of Chemo and Radiation: When body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Role of Oxygen: Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply. Cancer Prevention: Cancer will not be prevented by regular screening, quite the opposite in fact since diagnostic radiation is a major cancer cause! However you can avoid cancer risk through natural, non-conventional or alternative methods for cancer prevention. You must be well aware of the basic reasons which cause various types of cancers. What not to Do – to Avoid Cancers? What Cancer Cells Feed On? Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes are made with Aspartame (an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid; used as a calorie-free sweetener) and it is harmful. Use natural substitutes; honey or molasses (sugarcane liquid) in very small amounts. Table Salts has a dangerous chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is mine-salt or sea-salt. Acid Environment thrives Cancer cells. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate, have high caffeine. Caffeine helps the Cancer Cells grow.     Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties.           Distilled Water is acidic, avoid it. It is best to drink purified or filtered water to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Do not Use Plastic Containers: No water bottles in freezers and no plastic containers or plastic wraps in microwave ovens because when plastic is highly cooled or heated, it releases Dioxins. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. The combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food. Instead, use glass, Pyrex or ceramic containers. The plastic wrap is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead. Avoid Toxic Chemicals & Pesticides The liver cells constantly release enzymes for the breakdown of

Moringa (Sohanjna) – The Miracle Tree

What is Moringa? The Moringa tree is known as “Miracle Tree”. To see types of Moringa Plant please click here. All types of Moringa have similar benefits. Moringa Leaves: Chemistry Moringa Leaves: Minerals Moringa Leaves: Vitamins Moringa Leaves: Essential Amino Acids Moringa Leaves: Powder Preparation Pick the leaves. Wash them in salt water and then again in fresh water. Dry them in the shade. When they are completely dry, pound them. Rub them through a sieve. Store in labelled jars or bags Store in a dry, & dark place. Now it is ready for use . . . especially with: Undernourished children Pregnant women Breast feeding mothers Cancer or AIDS Patients … And… for…. EVERYONNE But how?? Simply mix one teaspoon three times a day into the food. Just ENJOY!!!!           The Moringa: Side Effects All are positive! Diarrhoea ceases. Fungal infections on the skin disappear. Cancer is prevented/cured Diabetes is stabilised. Anaemia improves. Stomach problems are helped. Moringa Seeds: Purify Water The crushed seeds attract suspended particles in the water and settle them to the bottom, leaving pure, clean water at the top of the treatment container. The process requires mature seed pods. The seeds are removed from the shell and the seed coats are removed; any discolored or misshapen seeds are discarded during this phase. The seeds are crushed and mixed with water to create a paste; this paste is then mixed and thoroughly shaken with a larger quantity of water to produce a solution. The solution is filtered through cloth and then mixed with the water to be treated. The purification process requires at least two hours for full effectiveness. The seeds are safe and nontoxic; the water is ready for use. Two seeds can treat up to one liter of the dirtiest water. This treatment does not remove all impurities and should typically only be used in cases where the water supply is presumed to be free of chemical or biological contamination. This new method of purification can produce wholesome drinking water even in isolated or technologically disadvantaged areas of the world. Moringa Flowers: Green Tea Use Moringa Flowers Tea to treat colds. In omelettes they taste like mushrooms. Caution: Flowers may prevent conception, and if used during pregnancy they may cause abortion. Moringa Pods: A Good Vegetable When they are young, cook the pods as a vegetable. When older, cook the white seeds like peas. Moringa: Every Part is Useful Leaves Flowers Seeds Roots Pods Moringa: Cancer Treatment Taking Moringa with meals & as tea is as effective as anti-retroviral drugs, but without the usual side-effects. Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate which have anti-cancer and chemo protective capabilities. The chemo protective aspect is critical for those who are battling cancer; this helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy. Antioxidants are also involved in the prevention of cellular damage — the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Moringa: Treatment for Diabetic Patients As rich source of ascorbic acid it helps the diabetic patients to control their blood glucose level: Vitamins (B1, B2, B12, C, & E), Pantothenic Acid, Protein, Potassium, Magnesium and Carbohydrate stimulates production of insulin. Vitamin A convert Beta-carotene to reduce the risk of blindness in diabetics. Vitamin B12 helps people suffering form diabetic neuropathy. High dose supplements of vitamin C prevent sorbitol accumulation and glycosylation of proteins, both of which are important factors in the development of diabetic complications such as cataracts. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress, thus improving membrane physical characteristics and related activities in glucose transport. This antioxidant promotes healing of diabetes-related lesions. Magnesium helps in the metabolism of glycogen, Mg works closely with vitamin B6 to help the metabolic process within the cell. Moringa: Source of Nutrition Moringa is nutrient supplement and helps to effectively digest the food. It has a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, β-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. Moringa leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants. They possess anti-tumor, anti-pyretic, anti-epileptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, anti-hypertensive, cholesterol lowering, anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Antioxidants To Boost Immune System Moringa contains 46 antioxidants that help the cells neutralize the free radicals due to oxidative stress. It enhances immunity against diseases. Maintains and enhances your health, wellness and well-being. Provides energy boost and stamina to fight daily stress. Regulates, normalizes and balances different body systems. Moringa: Other Health Benefits Anti-stress, Anti-anemia, Anti-Aging Good for digestion, cleanses digestive system Cleans urinary, circulatory, and digestive system Maintains normal blood pressure Remedy for asthma, arthritis, insomnia, cardiovascular problems, nervousness, skin problems, depression Rebuilds weak bones Regulates bowel movement Good for treating heavy menstrual periods, Menstrual cramps Good for Rectal bleeding, diabetic patients Good recovery for patients suffering from strokes Good substitute for persons can’t eat vegetables or fruits Good for the Skin and Eyes, varicose veins Removes toxins from the body and helps prevents ulcer Remedy for Fever, Nausea, Stomach distress Convalescence (gradual return to good health after an illness or medical treatment or the period spent recovering) Remedy for colds, fever, nausea, runny nose Tonic (to feel stronger, more energetic, and generally healthier) Diuretic (causing increased flow of urine) Good for Urinary tract infection (UTI) Liver disorder remedy Nourishes Breast Fed babies, Lactate (Increases the flow of breast milk for woman) Good for Lupus treatment Natural treatment for gout, arthritis and anti-inflammation The Moringa Oil Moringa oil heals skin allergies, irritations, wounds, and blemishes. It has high antioxidant properties, making it a valuable source of Vitamins A, C, and E; it is one of the highest naturally occurring sources of antioxidants. The Moringa oil, being very light and pleasant-tasting is similar to Olive oil is good for healthier eating. The oil itself is also known as Behen oil, a good rub for a pregnant woman’s belly. Soothing and softening to the skin. Moringa oil has moisturizing, nourishing, and emollient properties, and also excellent cleaning ability. Modern uses are found

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Treatment

What is SLE? SLE is abbreviated for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation of various tissues of the body. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body’s tissues are attacked by its own immune system. How it Happen? The immune system is a complex system within the body that is designed to fight infectious agents, such as bacteria and other foreign microbes. One of the ways that the immune system fights infections is by producing antibodies that bind to the microbes. People with lupus produce abnormal antibodies in their blood that target tissues within their own body rather than foreign infectious agents. Because the antibodies and accompanying cells of inflammation can affect tissues anywhere in the body, lupus has the potential to affect a variety of areas. SLE Attack Targets Lupus can cause following diseases: Skin, Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Anemia, Stomach disorders, Joints pain,     and/or….. Nervous system disorders. Types of Lupus When only skin is involved, the condition is called Lupus Dermatitis or Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. A form of lupus dermatitis that can be isolated to the skin, without internal disease, is called discoid Lupus. When internal organs are involved, the condition is referred to as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Effects of Lupus The disease can affect all ages but most commonly begins from 20-45 years of age. Both Discoid and Systemic Lupus are about 8 times more common in women than men. The autoimmune disorders produce excessive antibodies which can go into the entire network in two ways: The antibodies attack the strange body tissues, the red blood cells, causing deficiency of red blood cells or anemia. The antibodies join with antigens (substances stimulating the formation of antibodies) and form a complex called “Immuno-globulin” bonding antibodies and antigens to flow with blood, until caught in capillary blood vessels creating inflammation. Causes of SLE The precise reason for the abnormal autoimmunity that causes lupus is not known. Inherited genes, viruses, ultraviolet light, and certain medications may all play some role. Genetic factors increase the tendency of developing autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune thyroid disorders are more common among relatives of people with lupus than the general population. The immune system in lupus is more easily stimulated by external factors like viruses or ultraviolet light. Symptoms of lupus can be precipitated or aggravated by only a brief period of sun exposure. Some women with SLE can experience worsening of their symptoms prior to their menstrual periods. Female hormones play an important role in the expression of SLE which is an active area of ongoing study by scientists. A key enzyme’s failure to dispose of dying cells may contribute the development of SLE. The enzyme, DNase1, normally eliminates “garbage DNA” and other cellular debris by chopping them into tiny fragments for easier disposal. Thus, a genetic mutation in a gene that could disrupt the body’s cellular waste disposal may be involved in the initiation of SLE. The cause of SLE disease is the sensitivity factor which is triggered by stress, infections, drugs, exposure to sun, and the use of oral contraceptives. SLE Symptoms This disease can attack every body organ. Easily burnt skin from the sun and exposure to digestive disorders. Feel weak, excessive fatigue, fever and aches. Skin red rash appear on both cheeks, arms and legs. Attack of anemia. Frequent hair loss and excessive fatigue. Swollen joints and arise sprue. Sprue is a chronic disorder that occurs in tropical and non-tropical forms, in both children and adults; nutrients are not absorbed; symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and weakness. Treatment The best treatment is to be proactive and eat the right foods to keep the body balanced. Treatment focuses on preventing the spread of disease Avoid irritants especially soap Treat infections Oil based ointment good for hydrating Nutrition: Foods that are rich in vitamins A, C and E provide nutrients for your skin to remain elastic. These vitamins can be found in fruits, vegetables almonds, fish and eggs. Water Therapy: Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It will keep your skin healthy and elastic to reduce your skin stretching and scarring. Moringa(سہانجنا): Moringa is called miracle plant due to following rich contents: Just take one teaspoon of Moringa leaves powder 3 times a day to balance vital vitamins & minerals. Here is a good recipe: 1/2 cup Olive Oil. 1/4 cup Aloe Vera gel. liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E. liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A. Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. Pour the mixture into a jar and store it in the fridge. Apply the oil externally all over the affected areas, consistently everyday. Apply a paste made up of 5 grams red sandalwood and turmeric with milk on affected areas. Mix one ounce of Almond or Olive oil with seven drops of lavender and five drops of chamomile. Massaging your body with olive oil or Vitamin E may also help. Cucumber has natural salt and has a repair and cell growth property. It is high mineral and powerful anti-oxidant which hydrates the skin and makes it healthy. Blend the cucumber and simply apply it on your affected areas for an hour. =============== Prime Cancer Care & General Hospital (PCCGH), Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS) One Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26), Motorway Service Road, Sector H-15, Islamabad WhatsApp Message: 00923125448922 Timing: 9am to 1pm (First 3 Weeks of Month, Sunday Off) Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/X5i7RL6Puyf5uP9s9 —– For more information: www.healthymanners.com YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah =============== Natural Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): ایس ایل ای، جسمانی دردوں، امراضِ جگر، وغیرہ کا قدرتی علاج: پرہیز: غصّہ، پریشانی، ٹینشن، ڈپریشن، خوف، منفی سوچیں، تمام گوشت، انکی یخنی یا شوربہ، تمام دالیں، چاول، انڈے کی زردی، سفید آٹا یا میدہ، بیکری اور کریانہ آئٹمز، تمام فرائیڈ غذائیں (پراٹھے، سموسے، پکوڑے، پیاز میں تڑکا لگا کر پکایا ہوا سالن، سلانٹیاں، کُرکرے، چاکلیٹ، جنک فوڈز، چپس، شوارمے، پیک شدہ بازاری جوسز اور غذائیں، کولڈ ڈرنکس،