Joint Pain Alternative Treatment Recipes

Joint Pain and Body Pains Natural Cure: ———————— جسمانی اور جوڑوں کے دردوں کا قدرتی علاج: ضروری پرہیز: (اس میں سے کسی ایک چیز کا استعمال بھی جاری رہا تو مرض بڑھنے کا خطرہ رہے گا۔) غصّہ، پریشانی، ٹینشن، ڈپریشن، خوف، منفی سوچیں، تمام گوشت یا اُن کی یخنی یا شوربہ، تمام دالیں، تمام چاول، انڈے کی […]

Vitiligo, Burs, Phulbehry Treatment

Vitiligo, Burs or Phulbehry is a skin disease that is difficult to recover. It is caused by a loss of pigment (Melanin) in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes. One possible explanation might be that the body’s immune system destroys the cells, as in other autoimmune conditions. It may take […]

Heart Disease, BP, Cholesterol, Gallstones, Stroke, Constipation and Diabetes Natural Cure:

Heart Disease, BP, Cholesterol, Gallstones, Stroke, Constipation and Diabetes Natural Cure: Precautions: Avoid red meat, spinach, rice, spicy and fried or oily foods, bakery items, junk foods, soft drinks, cold water, black tea, and other beverages, alcohol, tobacco, betel leaves, black tea, cigarettes, etc.: Part I: Follow all below Dietary and Medicinal Prescriptions with Complete […]

Protect Your Spine

Spinal Safety: Your spine is at work 24 hours a day. It takes part in almost every move you make. Because of its workload, your spine is prone to injury. Spine Injuries: Are extremely painful. Are difficult to heal. Are frequently recurring. Affect everything you do. Preventing spine injuries is a major safety challenge. For […]