Height Gaining in Natural Way

قد بڑھانے کا قدرتی طریقہ:


قد چھوٹا رہ جانا اکثر جینیاتی عناصر کی وجہ سے ہوتا ہے جو آپ کی غذا، طرز زندگی اور کیمیائی انسانی نمو، اور ہارمونز پر منحصر ہوتا ہے، لیکن اس کے باوجود قدرتی طور پر قد بڑھانے کیلئے ایسی غذائیں اور طریقے موجود ہیں جن سے قد بڑھانا ممکن ہے:


شدید بادی غذائیں، تمام بیکری اور کریانہ آئٹمز، تمام پیک شدہ بازاری جوسز، مشروبات اور کھانے، تمام فوڈ سپلی منٹس، جنک فوڈز، فرائی کی گئی غذائیں، سوڈے کی بوتلیں، ٹھنڈا پانیٍ، چائے، مائیکرو ویو اون میں تیار یا گرم کی گئی غذائیں، الکحل، تمباکو، پان، بیڑی، پلاسٹک کے برتن، لیپ ٹاپ، ٹیبلٹ، موبائل فون کا استعمال۔

صحتمند غذائیں اور ورزشیں:

۔1۔ اچھی خوراک: قد بڑھانے کیلئے ایسی غذائیں لیں جن میں کیلشیم، آئرن، وٹامن ڈی سمیت دیگر وٹامنز اور معدنیات موجود ہوں۔ تین ابلے انڈوں کی سفیدی روزانہ کھائیں۔ جَو کا آٹا، باجرہ، مکئی، کیلے، وغیرہ میں فائبر کے ساتھ آئرن، میگنیشیم، اور سیلینیم بھی پایا جاتا ہے، جو قد لمبا کرنے میں مددگار ہے۔
۔2۔ میٹھی نیند: نیند کے دوران قد بڑھنے کا عمل متحرک ہو جاتا ہے۔ کمر کے بل، دائیں یا بائیں کروٹ سیدھا لیٹنے سے قد میں تیزی سے اضافہ ہوتا ہے۔ دن بھر میں ریڑھ کی ہڈی سکڑتی ہے اور لیٹنے کے بعد وہ اپنی اصل شکل میں واپس آ جاتی ہے۔ دماغ کو پرسکون رکھیں اور دن میں کم از کم 8 گھنٹے کی نیند ضرور پوری کریں۔
۔3۔ جسمانی خشکی، میٹھی نیند کیلئے: تیل سرسوں ہلکے ہاتھ سے سر، ناف، نتھنوں، ہاتھ، پاؤں کے تلوؤں پر لگائیں (کسی رسولی پر دباؤ نہ آئے)۔ رات کو تیل کدو شیریں کا ایک چھوٹا چمچ نیم گرم دودھ سے لیں۔
۔4۔ وٹامن ڈی اور کیلشیم کیلئے: ڈی۔کَیل پوڈر: (سہانجنا کے پتے، سفید موصلی، کوزہ مصری (50، 50 گرام) کا پوڈر بنا کر)روزانہ، صبح شام، 1 سے 2 گرام، ہمراہ نیم گرم دودھ یا اساسی مکس جوسز لیں۔ ساتھ 2 اُبلے انڈوں کی سفیدی لیں۔ ہر ہفتہ مچھلی کے تیل کا 1 کیپسول لیں۔ جسم کو ٹھنڈی دھوپ زیادہ لگائیں۔
۔5۔ خون کی کمی کیلئے: خون افزاء پوڈر: ایک سے 3 چٹکی، روزانہ 2 سے 3 بار، نیم گرم دودھ یا اساسی مکس جوسز سے لیں ۔یا۔ ہومیو سیرپ آئرن پلس کا ایک چمچ دن میں 2 بار لیں۔
۔6۔ گوشت کھائیں: گوشت میں پروٹین کی کافی مقدار پائی جاتی ہے، جو ہڈیوں کو مضبوط بنا کر قد میں اضافے کا باعث بنتی ہے۔ دیسی مرغی کے گوشت میں موجود وٹامن بی 12، نیاسین، سیلینیم، فاسفورس اور امائنو ایسڈ وغیرہ قد کو بڑھاتے ہیں۔ مچھلی میں اومیگا تھری، وٹامن ڈی اور پروٹین قد بڑھانے میں معاون ہیں۔
۔7۔ بادام کھائیں: بادام میں وٹامنز، معدنیات، فائبر، منگنز اور میگنیشیم کی وافر مقدار پائی جاتی ہے۔ یہ قد بڑھانے کے ساتھ ذہن کو بھی تیز بناتے ہیں۔
۔8۔ دودھ اور دہی کا استعمال: دودھ میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن ڈی اور کیلشیم ہڈیوں کو مضبوط بناتے ہیں جس سے قد بڑھنے لگتا ہے۔ دہی میں بھی بنیادی غذائی اجزاء مثلاً کیلشیم، میگنیشیم، فاسفورس اور پوٹاشیم، وغیرہ وافر مقدار میں پائے جاتے ہیں جو کہ مدافعتی نظام کو بہتر بنانے اور قد کو بڑھانے میں اہم کردار ادا کرتے ہیں۔
۔9۔ انڈوں کا استعمال: انڈے وٹامن B12 اور پروٹین سے بھرپور ہوتے ہیں جس کی وجہ سے قد بڑھنے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔ صبح ناشتے میں ایک آدھا ابلا ہوا انڈا لازمی شامل کریں۔ انڈا فرائی یا آملیٹ کھانے سے اُلٹا نقصان کا خطرہ ہے۔
۔10۔ شکر قندی کھائیں: شکر قندی میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن بی 6، وٹامن سی، منگنز، میگنیشیم اور پوٹاشیم پایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ اجزاء جسمانی ڈھانچے کو بڑھانے میں مدد دیتے ہیں۔ یہ سٹریس اور ڈپریشن کو کم کرنے میں بھی مدد کرتا ہے۔ شکرقندی میں سوزش، اینٹی ذیابیطس، اور قد بڑھانے کے لیے اہم خصوصیات بھی ہیں۔
۔11۔ سبزیاں اور پھل کھائیں: قد بڑھانے کیلئے تازہ پھل اور سبزیاں کھائیں۔ ان میں وٹامن اے، وٹامن سی، وٹامن ڈی، کیلشیم، کاربوہائڈریٹس، آئرن اور پوٹاشیم پایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ غذائی اجزاء قد بڑھانے میں بہت معاون ہیں۔ سبز رنگ کی سبزیوں کا استعمال زیادہ کرنا چاہیے۔
۔12۔ قد بڑھانے کیلئے ورزشیں: چند ورزشوں کو اپنا کر اور اپنی روزمرہ کی زندگی میں کچھ مثبت تبدیلیاں لا کر قد بڑھایا جا سکتا ہے۔ اچھی خوراک کیساتھ قد بڑھانے کیلئے ورزش کرنا بھی بہت ضروری ہے۔ اگر ورزش نہیں کریں گے تو خوراک زیادہ اثر نہیں کرے گی:
۔13۔ لٹکنے والی ورزش: قد بڑھانے میں لٹکنے والی ورزشوں کی بہت زیادہ اہمیت ہے۔ کسی بھی لوہے کی راڈ یا کسی مضبوط چیز کو پکڑیں اور لٹک جائیں۔ جتنی دیر ممکن ہو خود کو لٹکا کر رکھیں۔ دن بہ دن لٹکنے کا وقت بڑھائیں۔ اس سے قد لمبا، ریڑھ کی ہڈی اور پیٹ کے پٹھے مضبوط ہوتے ہیں۔
۔14۔ دیوار پر ٹارگٹ کو چھونا: اپنے گھر میں کسی دیوار کے ساتھ دیوار کی طرف منہ کر کے کھڑے ہو جائیں۔ اپنی ایڑیاں زمین پر رکھیں اور دونوں بازو زیادہ سے زیادہ اوپر کو اُٹھائیں۔ اب کسی کچی پنسل یا رنگ سے اپنے ہاتھ کی انگلی سے ایک انچ اونچا چھوٹا سا نشان لگا دیں۔ صبح شام ۵ سے ۱۰ منٹ تک اسی نشان کو ہاتھ سے چھونے کی کوشش کریں۔ جب ہاتھ اس نشان تک پہنچ جائے تو پھر اس سے ایک انچ مزید اوپر ایک اور نشان لگا لیں۔
۔15۔ تیراکی کرنا: تیراکی کے دوران پانی کے اندر ریڑھ کی ہڈی کے مہروں پر بوجھ بہت کم ہوتا ہے جبکہ جوڑ زیادہ کُھل کر آرام دہ حالت میں ورزش کر پاتے ہیں، جس سے قد کے بڑھنے کے عمل میں تیزی آتی ہے۔
۔16۔ سائیکل چلانا: قد لمبا کرنے کیلئے سائیکل چلانے کی عادت اپنائیں، سائیکل چلانے سے ٹانگیں مضبوط اور لمبی ہوتی ہیں، جبکہ سٹیمنا بھی زیادہ ہوتا ہے۔
۔17۔ رسی کودنا: یہ قد بڑھانے سمیت وزن میں کمی کا بھی سبب بنتی ہے۔ اس سے ہڈیاں اور پٹھے مضبوط ہوتے ہیں جبکہ وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ قد بھی بڑھتا ہے۔
۔18۔ وی شیپ یوگا: سیدھا کھڑے ہو کر نیچے کی جانب جھکتے ہوئے دونوں ہاتھوں سے زمین کو چھونے کی کوشش کریں، اس دوران سر اور جسم گھٹنوں کے قریب رکھیں۔ شروع میں خود پر زیادہ کھنچاؤ نہ ڈالیں۔ دن بہ دن زمین کو جتنا ہو سکے جھُک کر چھوئیں۔
۔19۔ ایل شیپ یوگا: کمر کے بل زمین پر لیٹ کر سر اور کندھوں کو زمین پر ٹکاتے ہوئے سارے جسم کو ہوا میں اُٹھا ئیں۔ ٹانگوں کو جسم کی سیدھ میں رکھیں۔
۔20۔ کوبرا یوگا: پیٹ کے بل زمین پر لیٹ کر ہاتھ زمین پر رکھیں اور جسم کا اگلا حصہ یعنی سر اور سینہ اوپر کی جانب اٹھائیں۔


Shakeel Ahmad Shah Hashmi

Prime General Hospital, Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS)
2 Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26),
Motorway Service Road, Sector H-16, Islamabad
WhatsApp Message: 00923125448922
Meeting Timing: 9am to 1pm (Friday and Sunday Off)
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/c4vFb9Rqz1ab55y99
For more information: www.healthymanners.com
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah


شکیل احمد شاہ ہاشمی

پرائم جنرل ہسپتال، پرائم انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف ہیلتھ سائنسز (PIHS)

موٹروے چوک (چونگی نمبر 26) سے 2 کلومیٹر،

موٹروے سروس روڈ، سیکٹر H-16، اسلام آباد

واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923125448922

ادویات کیلئے واٹس ایپ میسیج: 00923259111519.

وقت ملاقات: صبح 9 بجے سے دوپہر 1 بجے تک (ناغہ: جمعہ اور اتوار)

گوگل لوکیشن: https://maps.app.goo.gl/c4vFb9Rqz1ab55y99


مزید معلومات کیلئے: www.healthymanners.com

یوٹیوب چینل: www.youtube.com/c/HealthyMannersByShakeelShah


کراچی سے ادویات منگوانے کیلئے:۔

شاہ کلینک، عیسیٰ نگری، کراچی:۔

واٹس ایپ میسیج:۔  00923122764270

جاز کیش: 00923002569229


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111 thoughts on “Height Gaining in Natural Way

  1. Salam Shah sb,
    Mera nam adil hy, me karachi sy hun. Mere walid jo retired or 65 years old hyn jin ko recent Lung Disease diagnose hui hy ILCD (Interstitial Lung Disease) jis ki wja sy unhy chalny phirny or koii b movement krny me bhot problem horhi hy kyun zara ki movement par unki oxygen level boht ziada drop hojata.

    Doctor k mutabiq unky lungs par significant Pulmonary Fibrosis hogye hyn jis ki wja sy unhy shortness of breath, Mucus Production and Dry cough hy boht ziada.

    3 months medicines leny k bawajood bhi koii khas recovery naii hui, Ap sy guzarish hy k ap hi koi ilaaj batayen ta k mere walid theek ho sakyn.

    Allah Pak apka hami-o-Naasir ho.


    1. Assalam o Alaikum,
      For Autism or other brain problems please use the following:
      .. Please soak at night, 7 kernels of Almond and 10 to 15 Raisins in water at night. In the morning peal off the Almond kernels and grind along with Raisins to paste. Then add semi hot milk or water and feed the patient empty stomach.
      .. Perform Islamic Reiki for Brain Power and Knowledge by placing hands on or over the forehead of the patient.
      .. Listen Surah Rahman thrice a day.

        1. Assalam-o-Alaikum,
          For guidance about any medical or other problem, please WhatsApp the following info:
          1. Name:
          2. Age:
          3. City/Country:
          4. Problem Detail:
          5. Last Medical Reports Showing Problem:
          Shakeel Ahmad Shah Hashmi,
          WhatsApp: +92 312 5448922 (WhatsApp Message can be sent to me for help any time, but calling time is 5pm to 9pm PST.)
          URL: http://healthymanners.com

          Please also visit and subscribe YouTube Channel HealthyManners by Shakeel Ahmad Shah Hashmi

  2. Aoa
    I am having 7th month of pregnancy and as per ultra sound report the doctor has diagnosed fluid in baby’s brain making the ventricles enlarged, kindly suggest me how many times should I recite surah Rehman to cure it.

    1. Assalam o Alaikum,
      Please stop using the sugar, Aspartame (an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid), Table Salt, Acidic Foods (meat-based diet, all fried foods), coffee, tea, chocolate, distilled water, water bottles in freezers, plastic containers or plastic wraps, microwave ovens, toxic chemicals & pesticides, Aflatoxins produced by fungi, Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Alcohol, Food Supplements, Talcum powders, and all packed food items.
      .. Take one capsule (1000mg) of Dhamasa Powder, twice a day, with semi-hot milk or water, after meals.
      .. Eat with each meal, Sauce of Marjoram (Origanum Majorana or Tulsi), Coriander (Mint), Ginger & Garlic in Black Chilli.
      .. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the belly.
      .. Listen Surah al-Rahman, thrice a day, as mentioned in the related article.

  3. Assalamualaikum doctor sahab my mother hsd hepatitis c but it was treated successfully. now recrntly she started having pain in stomach..ultra sound and ct scan shows its liver tumor there and has started to spread in blood veins…..is there anything or is it possible to cure? plz reply urgent jazakallah kher

    1. AoA,
      Please use the following:
      1. Drink Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, on normal temperatureempty stomach, twice or thrice a day.
      2. Mix two parts of Dhamasa Powder, one part of Baking Soda, one part of Sumbloo Powder and half part of Turmeric Powder. Take half teaspoon or 500mg capsule of this mixture, twice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
      3. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the problematic areas.
      4. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

      Please stop using the sugar, Aspartame (an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid), Table Salt, Acidic Foods (meat-based diet, all fried foods), coffee, tea, chocolate, distilled water, water bottles in freezers, plastic containers or plastic wraps, microwave ovens, toxic chemicals & pesticides, Aflatoxins produced by fungi, Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Alcohol, Food Supplements, Talcum powders, and all packed food items.

    1. AoA,
      Please use the following:
      1. Drink Semi-hot Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, empty stomach, twice or thrice a day.
      2. Mix two parts of Dhamasa Powder, one part of Baking Soda, one part of Sumbloo Powder and one part of Turmeric Powder. Take half teaspoon or 1000mg capsule of this mixture, thrice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
      3. Get 10g of Kushta Sunkh prepared in milk of Calotropis Procera (Aak) and take 30mg of it, twice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
      4. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the problematic areas.
      5. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

      Please take natural foods, Vegetables cooked in black Chilli Powder.
      Drink regularly mixed juice of fresh seasonal fruits and Vegetables by adding lemon juice and some powder of black chilli.
      Avoid all fried and junk foods, Soda Water, Bakery Items, Packed foods, Meat of all types, White flour and its products.

      Foods to Avoid:
      Please stop using the sugar, Aspartame (an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid), Table Salt, Acidic Foods (meat-based diet, all fried foods), coffee, tea, chocolate, distilled water, water bottles in freezers, plastic containers or plastic wraps, microwave ovens, toxic chemicals & pesticides, Aflatoxins produced by fungi, Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Alcohol, Food Supplements, Talcum powders, and all packed food items.

      For Quality Herbs, Please contact Bismillah Pansaar Store Chichawatni, Pakistan (00923166543335, 00923008856198)

  4. AOA. Sir 4 years back i was suffering from stmoch ulcer. Now a days i am again feeling the same codition. Will u plz guide me therapy of Surah Rehman. Jazzak Allah.

    1. AoA,
      Please send the the following medical reports of your mother on my WhatsApp number +92 312 5448922:
      1. Blood C/P with ESR
      2. R.F.T
      3. Vitamin D3 Level
      4. Calcium Level

  5. Assalam aleikum

    Mujhay pichlay 5 saal say nephrotic syndrome diagnose hua tha. Ye kidneys ka amraaz hai jis main kidney ka filters damage ho jatay hain, aur body main say protein leak ho raha hai.

    treatment kay zariyai kuch had tak meri sahat sahi ho gaee thee … lekin pichlay dinoun ye medical condition dobara start ho gaie hai.

    1. AoA,
      Please use the following:
      1. Drink Semi-hot Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, empty stomach, twice or thrice a day.
      2. Mix Baking Soda, Sumbloo Powder and Turmeric Powder in equal weight and take a quarter teaspoon (150mg) of this mixture, twice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
      3. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the both kidneys.
      4. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

  6. Asalam o alaikum
    My father is having heart bypass done, suffering from liver dysfunction, bp, sugar, and now he is diagnosed with *cancer* of pancreas, drs. Have said NO treatment or surgery can be done for cancer, please suggest and help me therapy for my father.

    1. AoA,
      Please use the following:
      1. Drink Semi-hot Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, empty stomach, twice or thrice a day.
      2. Mix Baking Soda, Sumbloo Powder and Turmeric Powder in equal weight and take a quarter teaspoon (150mg) of this mixture, twice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
      3. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the problematic areas.
      4. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

  7. sir meri tail bone or l5 mein masla hai main zaiada fair beth b ni skti or khari b ni ho skti. mere hips mn or tangon mn khecho parny lgta hai or mere shoulder or neck b akar jati h hai stiff ho jati hai. main physio sent exercise krwa ri hu mgr koi frk ni h or moringa powder one teaspoon subha k wqt b use kr ri hu hafta ho gya. plz kuch acha bta dain

    1. AoA,
      Please continue using moringa powder and also start using 100mg mix powder of Sumbloo + Turmeric (mixed equally), twice a day with semi-hot milk. Also check your Vitamin D and Calcium levels. If you in deficiency of these, then try to balance them as well.

  8. Assalamo Alaikum..
    sir my first baby born with congenital heart diseases ( right ventricle function issue and right chamber is small or ungrowth after ballon dailtion procedure its working but unable to growth yet baby is 2 month Alhumdulliah doctor said 2 surgery will do one is 1year and 2nd is 4th year. kindly guide dua and something,
    prostagladins medine will do every 2 hours for PDA open and for blood flow increase. kindly suggest and guide.

  9. As salamhualikum, am having pcos since 3 years . I went to gynaecologist than endocrinologist but when i take medicine i get period otherwise idont get periods for months. I also have facial hair on my chin, my jaw line, and lots of hairfall, my weight is proper according to my height. Can u please suggest some cure i am very stressed because of this disease 😔.

    1. AoA, Please use the following:
      1: Soak at night, half teaspoon of Dhamasa powder along with a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo powder, in 1.5 cup of water and in the morning, boil it on light flame for 5 minutes. Drink it on room temperature, empty stomach. soak the same in the morning and boil and drink the same water in evening, empty stomach.
      2: Mix powder of Sumbloo and Turmeric herbs in same weight, fill in the 100mg capsules, and take once or twice a day, after meals, with semi-hot milk.

    2. Assalamu alaikum…..One of my friend is suffering from Anaplastic ependymoma (WHO 3)…a form of brain tumor….we all are very worried about his health……almost every night he gets a severe headache….we can’t see his condition…he was admitted to one of the best hospital for this…but the doctors said we can’t operate that part of the brain because it may lead to blindness or speech defect..etc….So he is not on chemotherapy or any form of radiation therapy……Can u suggest us some treatments???

      1. AoA,
        Please use the following:
        1. Drink Semi-hot Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, empty stomach, twice or thrice a day.
        2. Mix two parts of Dhamasa Powder, one part of Baking Soda, one part of Sumbloo Powder and one part of Turmeric Powder. Take half teaspoon or 1000mg capsule of this mixture, thrice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.
        3. Take 30 to 40 mg of Kushta Sunkh prepared in Turmeric and milk of Calotropis Procera (Aak), twice a day with milk, after meals.
        4. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on or over the problematic areas.
        5. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

  10. Hello, can you please suggest treatment for Multiple Myeloma. My mother is undergoing chemo but we would like to maintain on natural remedies. I am in Dubai. How can I get these herbs please? Look forward to your response. Jazak Allah Khair

  11. I am affected by hepatitis B.And I have taking entavir 0.5 tablets.I want be cure from that disease.please help me sir..

  12. Salam,my son has hydro due to which his eyesight is very weak,and milestones are also delayed,so can we use this surah rehman therapy for him,any other Dua for eyesight? Thank you

  13. Aoa.. My wife is 6 months Pregnant and doctors are saying baby has fluid (water) in the brain called ventriculomegly and posterior fossa cyst. Please suggest me something to cure this condition and for healthy baby. Jazak Allah

    1. AoA,
      Soak at night, a few branches (or half teaspoon of powder) of Fagonia (Dhamasa) including flowers and leaves along with one small piece of Sumbloo (or a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo powder), in 1.5 cup of water and in the morning, boil it on light flame for 5 minutes. Drink it on room temperature, empty stomach. Soak the same in morning and drink in evening, empty stomach. It is good for mother and baby.
      Also perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease by placing hands on the Womb.

  14. Aoa.. My wife is 6 months pregnant and doctors are saying baby has fluid(water) in the brain called ventriculomegaly and posterior possa cyst. Please suggest me something to cure this condition and for healthy baby. Jazak Allah

    1. AoA,
      Fagonia Dhamasa is good for women facing all pregnancy related problems.
      Just grind leaves, flowers and seed buds or whole branch of Fagonia to powder and take one teaspoon after meal, thrice a day, with water. OR Soak at night, a few branches of Fagonia (Dhamasa) including flowers and leaves or half teaspoon of Dhamasa powder along with one small piece of Sumbloo or a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo powder, in 1.5 cup of water and in the morning, drink this filtered water, empty stomach. Soak the same in morning and drink in the evening, empty stomach.
      It is also good for the growing baby in the womb.
      If you feel heat in the body, then reduce the quantity to half, but continue using it. Allah SWT will do the best.

  15. i m newly married and have diagnosed that i am suffering from cervical hyperplasia in the very last stage u know it is precancerous stage +pcos+inflamatory pelvic disease..plz tell me that if i hear suray rahman in above mentioned procedure,will i get cure?

    1. AoA,
      Please listen Surah Rahman, thrice a day. Perform “Islamic Reiki for Every Disease” by placing right hand on problem place, as many times as you can. Also do the following:
      1. Just grind leaves, flowers and seed buds or whole branch of Fagonia to powder, Filter it thrice from cloth and take half to one teaspoon (or two 1000mg capsules) after meal, thrice a day, with water, or by mixing in any sweet food.
      2. Soak at night ,a few branches of Fagonia (Dhamasa) including flowers and leaves or half teaspoon of Dhamasa powder along with one small piece of Sumbloo or a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo powder, in 1.5 cup of water and in the morning, boil it on light flame for 5 minutes. Drink it on room temperature, empty stomach. Soak the same in morning and drink in evening, empty stomach. OR Mix powder of Sumbloo and Turmeric herbs in same weight, fill in the 100mg capsules, and take once a day, after meals, with semi-hot milk.
      4. In Summer season, consume twice a day, mix of 2 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice with ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sweetened with 1 spoon of honey. In Winter mix One Cup of Lemon juice, One Cup of Honey three tablespoons of Baking Soda and One Teaspoon of Turmeric. Mix them in a glass-jar and take one teaspoon thrice a day.
      Please don’t worry! Just believe in Allah SWT for Shifa. Many of my female patients who have higher stage than your’s, have got complete health and pregnancy within three to four months… Al-Hamd-o-Lillah!

  16. My 5 year old daughter has epilepsy since she was born because of which she cannot speak and has developmental delays. doctor says she will never be normal but my heart says if Allah wills, she will be fine. now her platelets have gone down to 3000 only and so her wounds don’t heal and excessive blood loss can kill her. i am a single mother and she is my only child. can u please suggest a treatment for her that her platelets become normal and she starts speaking? i want her to be a normal healthy and happy child.

    1. AoA,
      Please perform Islamic Reiki for Brain Power by placing right hand on her forehead, for brain problems.
      Also give her 1000mg Capsule of Dhamasa Powder thrice a day with water or by mixing the same quantity in any sweet food for kids, like Cerelac, etc. Give her half small cup of fresh mix juices of fruits and vegetables, e.g apple, mangoes, carrots, lemons, etc; after each two hours. Her platelets will improve.

  17. Aoa ! Mere chehry par baal aa rahy hain. Kuch baal bareek hain jb k chin k baal bht thick aur ziada hain. Har din baal ziada ho rahy hain. Me 23 saal k hun ,unmarried.
    Please help.

    1. AoA,
      Your Hormonal System is not performing well.
      Please start taking Qahwah of half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder, twice a day, before or after meals, by adding honey as sweetener.
      Avoid deep fried spicy foods, junk foods and fizzy drinks.
      Also read my article on Hair Problems and Solutions.

  18. Assalam o alaikum,
    My nose bone from one side has slightly increased because of which i m having to face a lot of uncomfort in my face, neck and right side head. When i go to doctor they say they cannot make any sense of what the problem is. I feel my ear muscles(right ear and jaw) are very tight and always clicking whenever i eat something or dont eat. My nose bone is giving me a lot of respiratory problems and anxiety, concentration problems, mind fog, etc. I also have benign thyroid nodule tried medications but the nodule does not dissolve it is now giving a blocked feeling in throat mixed with sinus, respiratory problem,ear problem all at ones. Can you please suggest something.

    1. AoA,
      May Allah SWT bless you with good health… Aameen!!!
      The matter is quite serious. Kindly immediately start the following:
      1. Mix one teaspoon of Moringa (Sohanjna) Leaf Powder in each meal, thrice a day.
      2. Soak one piece of Sumbloo and some branches of Dhamasa Herb in water at night and prepares its Qahwa on light flame in the morning. Drink this Qahwa by adding honey, empty stomach. Repeat the same for evening and drink this Qahwa, empty stomach, in the evening.
      3. Perform Islamic Reiki for Every Disease, by placing hands on spinal disc.
      3. Listen Surah Rahman as given in my article, thrice a day.

  19. As salmu alaikum wr wb.sir mere beta 2.5 years ka hai..usko doctor ne autism betaaya hai.mei bahot pareshan hu..plz koye dua betaaye.jisse wo jald acha ho jaaye in shaa Allah.

  20. Asalamualaikum my 3 month baby boy has genetic disorder he cannot feed through mouth he has ng tube in his nose and epilepsy stiff body and delayed development. he cannot drink water how can i heal him with surat rahman without water?

    1. AoA,
      May Allah bless your baby with good health… Aameen!!!
      For this baby, drinking water before listening is not possible. Please continue listening Surah Rahman.

  21. My dad has severe pancreatitis and all the reports are clear. He feels pain very often now
    And my mom has slip disc and she cant walk at all
    Doctors say there is no treatment. Please give some help.

      1. Sir Im 7months pregnant and doctors are saying there is cervical insufficiency which is opening…it can cause miscarriage or preterm delivery anytime now…will surat rehman help curing this situation? What should I do?

  22. Salaam waleikom

    I have psorasis all over my body
    Please advise how to cure it in sha allah with surah rahman

        1. AoA, Please you can get Dhamasa Powder from online stores from any where in the world. It should be in greenish colour, otherwise it will be less beneficial.

  23. I hepatitis c last 18yrs now it converted initial stage of cirrhosis I took3 tym course of medicine but again um suffering now again um taking medicine my spleen became in large nd platelet bcome 8o plz rply me wt can I do 4 dt

    1. AoA, May Allah SWT bless you with good health… Aameen!!!
      The best remedy for your Liver and Spleen is Flowers and Leaves of Fagonia (Dhamasa) herb. By the grace of Allah SWT, it can treat your disease within three months. Please choose any of the following options:
      1. Just collect Flowers, Leaves and Seeds of Fagonia. Just wash them with warm water, dry in airy shadow, and after it is completely dried, just grind it to powder. Then mix one teaspoon or tablespoon (as per age and body weight) of this Fagonia Powder in any food or just take it with water after meals, twice a day.
      2. You can also use whole green part of its branches inclusive of thorns, woods, leaves, fruits and flowers combined after washing and then grinding them in water. Just a cup or a glass of filtered juice, is enough to take after meals twice a day. It is better for all types of Hepatitis or other liver problems.
      3. You can mash and grind the leaves or green branches of Fagonia like thick paste and then can convert them in shape of tablets in the size of a chickpea (چنا). Just swallow two tablets with morning/evening meals.
      4. If it is not available in green form, you can get its complete plant inclusive of flowers and leaves in dried form, from the stores in the market. Just grind them all to powder, filter it thrice with cloth and then fill the powder in 1000mg capsules. Take 1-2 two capsules immediately after meals, twice or thrice a day.

  24. Aoa,,i have pseudofolliulits which can not be treated with medcn.only soloution is laser therapy which is too expensive and i cant afford also laser at sensitive part is harmful.also i have swollen abdomen however every thing is normal.my scan is normal.i am too much worried about my health.i am unmarried.age 27.i hope you will must reply.also i want to ask is this necessary to listen surah rehman in qari abdul basit voice??

    1. AoA,
      Please mix Honey and Lemon Juice in equal weight and use it as body lotion.
      Also take one 1000mg Capsule of Dhamasa Powder, thrice a day, with water, after meals.
      The voice of Qari Abdul Basit has special effects as compared with others for Shifa purpose.
      Your Swollen Belly may be due to Cholesterol over usage or due to swollen intestines. Please find the actual reason and then cure is possible.

    1. Aisha…my child has same thing..can you tell me as he recovered..or tell me which dua you reciting

  25. I am a victim of thoughts about past time , I want to forget past four years but not able to do that my motivation and confidence has fallen to very low level, I cannot feel the same towards daily matters and things as I used to do I donot feel good energy inside me. I cannot feel to be confident about doing job,doing marriage and having children although I was fond of a lot of things. Everything around me reminds me something from past and that upsets me . I am in very strange situation even salah seems so difficult to me. Doing Zikr is also difficult due to extreme laziness.

  26. Asallamwalekum
    I am trying to concieve for the past several years..had pcos too but my cycles have become regular….plz suggest a remedy to concieve

    1. AoA, Please listen Surah Rahman as prescribed above. Also Soak at night ,a few branches of Fagonia (Dhamasa) including flowers and leaves or half teaspoon of Dhamasa powder along with one small piece of Sumbloo or a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo powder, in 1.5 cup of water and in the morning, boil it on light flame for 5 minutes. Drink it on room temperature, empty stomach. Soak the same in morning and drink in evening, empty stomach. Within three months, every thing will be fine… In-sha-Allah!!!

  27. AOA,
    i am a colorectal cancer patient. It was first diagnosed in dec,2015 and was removed by surgery in august,2016 colostomy bag was also attached during surgery (before that i also had chemotherapy and radiotherapy). After the surgery everything remained fine since October 2017 .And then recurrence was shown in biopsy and scans.So the Disease came back again it is near rectum i am having chemotherapy again (3rd cycle is on going).Sir What treatment do u suggest for me ?

    1. AoA, Please Drink Qahwah prepared by small quantity of Dhamasa and Sumbloo, twice a day with empty stomach. Also perform Islamic Reiki by placing hands on the tumor, as many times as possible. Also use Herbal and Spiritual Recipes as given in “Cancer Alternative Treatment Recipes“. Prepare Olive Oil with burning the turmeric as given in my article.
      It also include listening Surah Rahman Therapy as given above.

  28. Asalamoalaikum , main bohot bimar rehti hu doctors diagnose nahi kerpatay either stomach issue hai ya gynacological main pora month pain main rehti hu , kindly koi remedy share karain jismain shifa ho ameen .

  29. Aoa,
    My father had a stroke in 2014 (been 4 years) currently was walking with a stick – Has heart conditions, bp high, diabetes and recently his kidneys were being affected too.
    4-5 days back he was admitted because of high bp and the MRI suspected a stroke again. BP was 230/175 – After 2 days bp was settled but his CREATININE LEVELS ARE HIGH and not decreasing instead slightly increasing. Doctor’s have kept him under observation since they need to monitor his creatinine that’s affecting his kidneys. Creatinine today morning was 7.5 – ALLAHUMDULLILAH he’s producing urine.

    What can be done
    1) To reduce his creatinine?
    2) For his kidneys to function properly knowing all the condition he has?
    3) For his bp and his mobility?

    Anything that doesn’t affect his condition deteriote. Also, need lots of prayers.

    Looking forward to the answer ASAP.

    1. Dear Ms. Mahnoor, AoA,
      Please use 1000mg-2000mg Dhamasa powder thrice a day to prevent from Heart Attacks or Brain Ham-bridge.
      Also use 100mg Sumbloo+Turmeric Powder (mixed equally), once a day with milk to repair Kidney Function.
      Drink one cup of Juice of green Bottle Gourd (round or tall Lauki or Paghambri Kaddoo), twice a day, to reduce Creatinine.
      You can use any suitable recipe given in article BP and Heart.
      Perform Islamic Reiki by placing hands on problematic places (Heart and Kidneys).
      Also listen Surah Rahman as given in my article.

      1. Walaikum assalam,

        Thank you for your reply. Sir where is Sumbloo and Dhamasa powder available?
        Also, We tried Bottle Gourd Juice, but it was VERY BITTER – I was reading that bittle bottle gourd is harmful and toxic. The juice turned black instantly. Please let me know what to do in that condtion and if to peel the bottle guord before making the juice.

        Waiting for your reply ASAP.

        1. AoA, You can get sumbloo and dhamasa from your local area herb stores or from Bismillah Pansaar Store, Chichawatni (+92 304 5013300).
          You can add some quantity of orange and sweet carrot juice in gourd juice to make it easily drinkable. You can wash and peel the gourd before making its juice.

  30. Asslamoalaikum
    I m 21 weeks pregnant.
    Ureaplasma Ka infection ho gya he kal ultrasound mein baby k head aur kidney pr kuch marks nazar Aaye hein unka test karwana he next week k kiss cheez k hein.
    Ureaplasma b pregnancy mein qabil e ilaj nhi he
    Mein boht pareshan hn
    Plz kuch bta dein sir

    1. AoA, Please don’t worry, it is still curable. Just listen Surah Rahman as prescribed above. Also perform Islamic Reiki by placing hands on the baby and below the navel (Naaf) area.
      Soak half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder or a few Branches of dhamasa plant in water at night and put it on light flame in morning to boil for five minutes. Then filter the water and drink like qahwah, empty stomach. Repeat the same, to drink it twice a day.
      Boil some leaves of Neem tree and Bairy Tree, then filter the water and let it be on room temperature. Now sit in this water for 10 minutes daily.

  31. Aoa my father is recently diagnosed with Parkinson disease. His age is 69, He is hypertension patient for 15 years. But he was a fit person but now he is unable to do activities, he shivers and his feet & hands move with difficulty. He has runny nose all the time. He walks very slowly and has balancing issues. He talks slowly and has different way of speaking. Please tell any solution I am worried about him.

    1. Please listen Surah Rahman as given above. Also use Green Tea made by Moringa (Sohanjna) leaves powder or its wood, twice or thrice a day. Also take one teaspoon of Atrifal Ustokhuddoos, before sleeping with semi hot water.

  32. As salamoalikum…my 5 yr old child has brain damage
    Having fits and small head circumference 43 inches ..he cannot sit ,stand ,and walk also canot speak and cannot see properly ..please recommend some dues and medicine

      1. Is there any side effects of this therapy main jab b Apni bachi ko surah rehman Sunati hon usay bukhar ho jata

        1. AoA,
          There is no side effect of Surah Rahman Therapy, but the patient who is occupied by Jinns or Black Magic, feels trouble in starting days.
          Please try to listen it thrice a day on regular basis and the reaction of Jinns will be minimized in a few days.
          Please remember to recite “Ya Hafeezu” 21 times, blow on your hands and then draw a spiritual circle around the patient, before starting the Surah Rahman Therapy, every time.

  33. Salaam Erumkhan from India us there any cure for drinking alcohol and eating gutka,because my two brothers addicted to these two,is there any treatment for this pls help us

    1. Dear Ms. Erum Khan, AoA,
      There is no doubt in dangerous results of Alcohol and Gutka in religious and medical point of view. It may result in complete disaster of their life and life-hereafter. Cancer and liver and kidney diseases are very common results of these habits. May Allah SWT help you in getting your brothers out of these fatal habits… Aameen!!!

  34. Assalamualalaikum,main 40 years Ki hu, my husband is 44, mereku 2016 me 3 month k abortion hua,phir immediately,arthirities,and pcod shuru hua,jab se bache nai hore,mera ilaaj ho sakta kya,aur husband. Ko b itching problem hai daily levocit khaane,pls help us.

  35. Assalamoelekum,

    I am suffering from chronic insomnia and anxiety … due to this my blood pressure also increases and heart beat also increase.. please share some remedy for these problem. please do keep dua for me ,,,



  36. I hve chronic gums& tooth roots disease. My doctor says there is no cure for it and my teeth may fall. Pls help

    1. Dear Ms. Munaza, AoA,
      Please fill a pinch of (turmeric + asbghol husk mixed) in your right and left cheeks and below the tongue, before sleep. In the morning, after breakfast, again do the same. Everything will be fine… In-sha-Allah!!!

  37. Dear Shakeel Sahab Assalaamualaikum,
    3 Yrs back I was detected 1st to 2nd stage of lymphoma I.e. Cancer in the lower back spine. Though I got treated for the same and as per the last PET scan of April 2016 the disease was no more yet I was always leaving in constant fear of death as I always had pain in my back and legs. This April 2017 I missed my PET scan as I didn’t have the money. And my back n legs pain a lot. Recently I find it difficult to bend my knees. I suspect cancer has come backm Kindly suggest some surah for me Jazaak allah khair.

    1. Please use 100mg capsule of powder of Turmeric + Sumbloo (mixed in equal weight) once a day, after meals, with milk. Take one Capsule of 1000mg filled with Dhamasa Leaves powder, thrice a day after meals, with water.
      Also perform Islamic Reiki by placing hands on kidneys, as many times as you can.

      1. AoA dr sahib.my father has diagnosed primary mylofibrosis that is a rare chronic blood cancer..he is also a patient of hypertension, diabetes, angina and ckd.. he is 62 years old.kindly suggest me some treatment..i am very much worried..

        1. Assalam o Alaikum,
          Please stop using the sugar, Aspartame (an artificial sweetener made from aspartic acid), Table Salt, Acidic Foods (meat-based diet, all fried foods), coffee, tea, chocolate, distilled water, water bottles in freezers, plastic containers or plastic wraps, microwave ovens, toxic chemicals & pesticides, Aflatoxins produced by fungi, Cell Phones, Laptops, Tablets, Alcohol, Food Supplements, Talcum powders, and all packed food items.

          .. Please wash fresh green Dhamasa branches (including Flowers, Leaves, Seed Buds) by grinding a handful of it, in three glasses of water and then drink after meals, thrice a day. If can’t find fresh Dhamasa plants, then soak at night, half teaspoon of Dhamasa Powder and a quarter teaspoon of Sumbloo Powder, in one cup of hot water. In the morning mix two tablespoon of this water in any fresh fruit juice, and feed the baby, on normal temperature, empty stomach, after every two or three hours, all the day. Throw away the powder and again soak fresh powder for next day.

          .. Mix two parts of Dhamasa Powder, One part of Sumbloo Powder and half part of Turmeric Powder. Take quarter teaspoon or 500mg capsule of this mixture, twice a day, with semi-hot milk, after meals.

          .. In summer season, consume twice a day, mix of 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed Lemons in a large glass of water, sweetened with one spoon of Honey. In winter mix one cup of Lemon Juice, one cup of Honey and half teaspoon of Turmeric Powder. Mix them in a glass-jar and take one teaspoon thrice a day.

          .. Eat with each meal, Sauce of Marjoram (Origanum Majorana or Tulsi), Coriander (Mint), Ginger & Garlic in Black Chilli.

          .. Mix Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Kalonji Oil and Honey (All in equal quantity) and keep in a glass jar. Take one teaspoon, twice a day, for 2 months.

          .. Perform recipes of Spiritual Cure for fatal diseases as well.

          Note: If you cannot find these herbs locally, then you can get them through courier from Bismillah Pansaar Store Chichawatni, Pakistan (WhatsApp: 00923166543335, Jazz Cash: 00923008856198)

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