Parents Problems – Alternative & Spiritual Cure

For Gaining Kids: Alternative Recipes: 1. To gain beautiful and intelligent kids, during pregnancy eat oranges, pomegranate, grapes, etc. Take one teaspoon of Almond Oil, twice a day, mixed in 250g of milk. Also eat melon and watermelon. 2. If lack of sperms or no sperms, then take kernels of tamarind (Imli), grind it to powder and fill in full size capsule and take one capsule in mid or after meals, with water, twice or thrice a day. 3. If there is lack of sperms or impotence, then soak one kg of vetch (Daal Maash) in juice of onions so that the vetch must fully dip into it. Then dry it in the shadow and again fully dip it in the new juice of onions. Do the same for seven times. Then add one kg of Sugar Candy (Misry) into vetch and grind both to powder. Filter it in cloth and take one teaspoon with semi-hot milk, before sleep. Use it for two months. 4. If there is lack of sperms or impotence, then soak 250g of vetch (Daal Maash), 25 kernels of Almonds (Badaam), two number of dried Dates (Choharay) in water, at night and then GRIND IT in the morning. Now mix the 1/3 of the grinded material and some sugar in half kg of milk and drink empty stomach. Do the same for three days. 5. Mix 250g dates in 250g honey. Take one teaspoon of this mixture once or twice a day, for four months. Avoid chicken meat and eggs during this period. 6. Take 10g Lemon Seeds, 50g Hazelnut (Cobnut), 50g Gum Arabic, 100g Henna Leaves, 4g of dried Neem leaves. Grind all above separately and then mix. Now fill the powder in 500g capsules and take one capsule empty stomach in morning and one in evening, with semi hot milk. Continue for one month. 7. Husband and wife each, should eat one dried date (good quality) with semi hot milk, daily, for three months. Spiritual Recipes: 8. After bathing, say two Rakat of Nafl prayer, then recite Surah al-Fateha, 11 times, blow on water and drink, for 21 days. 9. To get pregnancy, recite three times “Darood”, 500 times, Surah al-Kausar (inclusive of Bismillah each time). 10. For gaining male kids, after every prayer, recite thrice ” رَبَّنَا ہَبْ لَنَا مِنْ اَزْوٰجِنَا وَ ذُرِّیّٰتِنَا قُرَّۃَ اَعْیُنٍ وَّ اجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِیْنَ اِمَامًا۔ (فرقان۔۷۴)”. 11. For infertility, take 40 cloves and recite ” اَوْکَظُلُمٰتٍ فِیْ بَحْرٍ لُّجِّیٍّ یَّغْشٰىہُ مَوْجٌ مِّنْ فَوْقِہٖ مَوْجٌ مِّنْ فَوْقِہٖ سَحَابٌ ظُلُمٰتٌۢ بَعْضُہَا فَوْقَ بَعْضٍ اِذَا اَخْرَجَ یَدَہٗ لَمْ یَکَدْ یَرٰىہَا وَ مَنْ لَّمْ یَجْعَلِ اللہُ لَہٗ نُوْرًا فَمَا لَہٗ مِنْ نُّوْرٍ (نور۔۴۰)” on each of them. After menstruation, take bath and eat one clove without water, daily before bed time, and have intercourse. 12. If children could not survive, then write بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ” 61″ times on a paper and keep with body. 13. If children die after birth or no more hope for any further pregnancy, then for 11 days, after evening (Isha) prayer, recite 3000 time “Ya Jabbaru” (یَا جَبَّارُ), and blow on 3 almond kernels feed one of them to the wife and rest two to the husband, and then have intercourse. 14. For gaining male kids, before intercourse, recite 11 times “Ya Motakabbiru” (یَا مُتَکَبِّرُ). 15. Recite once “Darood” before and after, and then recite 133 times ” لِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمٰوٰتِ وَالْأَرْضِ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَآءُ يَهَبُ لِمَنْ يَّشَآءُ إِنٰثًا وَّيَهَبُ لِمَنْ يَّشَآءُ الذُّكُوْرَ (شوریٰ۔۴۹)”, blow on water and ask wife and husband to drink it. 16. For 9 months, daily recite Surah al-Najam, blow on water and drink. It will help curing every disease related to uterus. 17. For 40 days, recite 11 times, before and after, “Darood” and in the middle, 100 times recite ” رَبِّ هَبْ لِيْ مِنْ لَّدُنْكَ ذُرِّيَّةً طَيِّبَةً إِنَّكَ سَمِيْعُ الدُّعَاءِ۔(آلِ عمران، ۱۶۵)”. Man or woman can perform it, but woman will stop during menses days. If a man stops for continuous three days, then it will be restarted. 18. Give some charity and then recite 5 times “Darood”, before and after, then recite Surah Taubah. Recite ” رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْنِیْ فَرْدًا وَّ اَنْتَ خَیْرُ الْوٰرِثِیْنَ (الانبیاء۸۹)” after every prayer. Continue it till success. اولاد کے حصول کا قدرتی علاج: ضروری پرہیز: تمام تلی ہوئی غذائیں، تمام بیکری آئٹمز، سوڈے کی بوتلوں، پیک شدہ کھانوں، سرخ مرچ، نمک، جنک فوڈز، موبائل فون، لیپ ٹاپ، الکحل، تمباکو، پان، بیڑی، وغیرہ۔ حصہ اول: یہ سب نسخے لازمی استعمال کریں: ۔1۔ گولڈن چھلکا اسبغول: اصلی چھلکا اسبغول 15 چمچ میں اصلی ہلدی 1 چمچ ملا کر رکھ لیں۔ روزانہ 3 بار (پیچش ہوں تو یہ 6 بار)، اس کا ایک بڑا چمچ، 2 چٹکی تا نصف چھوٹی چمچ [تخم بلنگو، مقوی مفرح پوڈر]، اونٹنی کے نیم گرم دودھ یا تازہ مکس جوسز کے گلاس میں ملا کر فوری خالی پیٹ پی لیں۔ سوتے وقت چٹکی دائیں، بائیں گال میں رکھ کے سو جائیں۔ منہ میں مرض ہو تو ہر وقت زیادہ رکھیں، کھانے سے قبل کُلی کر لیں۔ ۔2۔ تازہ مکس جوسز: روزانہ 4 سے 6 بار، [سبز کدو، گاجر، چقندر، سبز سیب، تربوز، فالسہ] کے تازہ مکس جوسز کے نصف گلاس میں 1، 1 چمچ [لیموں کا جوس، جَو کے ستُّو، عرق (مکو، کاسنی، سونف، برنجاسف یا گلاب)] اور 1مرچ سیاہ چھڑک کر پیتے رہیں۔ (لازمی 4 سے 6 چیزوں کا جوس ملا کر پینا ہے) ۔3۔ جوی (اوٹ) یا چکی والا جَو کا دلیہ یا جَو کے ستُّو یا ساگودانہ: پانی میں ہلکی آگ پر پکا کر، 2 ابلے انڈوں کی سفیدی، [بغیر ابالے اونٹنی کا دودھ، تھوڑا شہد یا سٹیویا] یا [ہاضم چٹنی، بغیر تڑکا سالن] اور چٹکی سہانجنا پوڈر ملا کر ۔یا۔ جَو، مکئی کے مکس آٹے میں تھوڑا گندم کا آٹا اور سوڈیم بائی کاربونیٹ ملا کر، خشک روٹی توے سے اتار کر ثرید بنا کر ۔یا۔ دیسی گھی یا زیتون کا تیل لگا کر کھائیں۔ ۔4۔ بغیر تڑکا سالن: تھوڑی [سیاہ مرچ، معدنی نمک، اصلی ہلدی، لہسن، ادرک، تازہ یا خشک دھنیا، پودینہ، سونف، ٹماٹر (بغیر چھلکا اور بیج)، میتھی،

Natural Remedies for Muscle and Sexual Weakness:

In the present era, excessive consumption of fast food and poultry foods destroys the stomach, liver, kidneys, which creates physical, nervous and sexual weakness. Sexual dissatisfaction is the main cause of many family breakdowns today, even though 90% of people are medically perfectly fine, and only consider themselves psychologically ill. In such a situation, people often fall into the hands of ad-hocists who ruin their lives by making them worse psychologically and medically. So if it is a psychological problem then convince yourself psychologically that you are fully fit and if the problem is medical then instead of going to the ad-hocs, use the following dietary and medical prescriptions. Avoidance: Anger, anxiety, depression, negative thoughts, beaf or its broth, all rice, white flour or flour products, bakery and grocery items, all fried foods (parathas, samosas, fritters, fried eggs (or omelets, smoothies, crisps, chocolate, junk foods, chips, shawarma, pizza), packaged market juices and foods, cold drinks, cold water, black leaf tea, cauliflower, coffee, potatoes, okra, arvi, white salt, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, paan, beedi, snuff, microwave oven, plastic utensils, un-safe use of laptop, tablet, mobile phone, hands free cable, etc. Part I: Follow all below Dietary and Medicinal Prescriptions with Complete Abstinence: 1. *Golden Asbhool Husk:* Add 1 spoon of pure turmeric in 15 tablespoons of Asbagol Husk to make it Golden Husk. Thrice a day, mix one tablespoonful of it, 2 pinches to half teaspoon of [Basil Seeds (Takhm Bilungu) or chia seeds, “Maqvi Mufarah Powder”] in a glass of lukewarm camel milk or freshly mixed juices and drink immediately on an empty stomach (In case of dysentery, take it 6 times). Before sleeping, put the pinch of it in the right and left cheeks (If you have a disease in mouth, always keep more. Rinse before eating. 2. *Fresh Mixed Juices:* Daily 4 to 6 times, add 1 tablespoon each of [Lemon Juice, Roasted Barley Flour (Sattu), Julep (Arq) of [Atropine (Mako), Chicory (Kasni), Fennel (Sonf), Mugwort/Artemisia Vulgaris (Berunjasef) or Rose (Gulab)], half teaspoon of Basil Seeds (Tukham Balangu) or chia seeds, 2 pinch of Sodium Bicarbonate (make sure to avoid baking powder) and a pinch of Black Pepper Powder] in half glass of freshly mixed juices of [green gourd (Kaddu), carrot (Gaajer), beetroot (Chiqandar), apple, watermelon, Grewia (Falsa)] (Drink the mixed juice of 4 to 6 things, on normal or lukewarm temperature). 3. *Oat (Jawi) or Milled Barley Porridge or Roasted Barley Flour (Sattu) or Metroxylon Sago (Sagodana):* Cooked in water and added with 2 boiled egg whites, [unboiled camel’s milk, honey] or [digestive sauce (Chutney), unfried curry] and a pinch of moringa (Suhanjana) powder] or [add a little wheat flour and sweet soda to the mixed barley flour and corn mix flour, prepare the bread without oiling. Can apply a little Desi Ghee or olive oil on the bread before eating]. 4. *Unfried Curry:* Vegetables [all pumpkin, gourd, zucchini, turnips, carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumber, (mustard greens (Saag) mixed with spinach & equal fresh coriander), etc.], cooked without frying on light flame, using a little [black pepper, pink salt, turmeric, garlic, ginger, fresh or dried coriander, mint, fennel, tomatoes (without skin and seeds), fenugreek, peas, button mushrooms, 2 boiled egg-whites, cucumber], and water. 5. *Digestive Sauce:* Make a sauce of [3 parts fresh coriander, 1 part fresh mint, ½ part fresh basil or Tulsi, a little [garlic, ginger, fennel, pomegranate seeds, olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, mineral salt] and mix it with every meal. 6. *Digestive Green Tea:* Boil fresh branch of [mint, basil (Niazbo)], pinch of [fennel, moringa (Suhanjna) powder or branch], 2 jujubes (Unab), 1 small cardamom in a cup of water, add honey and drink 2 to 3 spoons after each hour, at normal temperature throughout the day. 7. [ *Fresh Fagonia (Dhamasa) or Suchi Booti:* (Azhghake or Spilaghzai in Pashto, Dhamiaan in Punjabi, Dramao in Sindhi). Wash whole green branches including flowers, leaves, seeds, thorns, make a paste and prepare walnut-sized balls (Laddoo) and freeze them. Thrice a day, place 1 Fagonia Ball in a glass of hot water. When desolved, strain it through a sieve and drink after meals (normal in summer, lukewarm in winter) -OR- [Twice a day, two hours before meals, soak half teaspoon of *Green Dhamsa powder* (including flowers, leaves, seeds) and half teaspoon of *Samblo root (Darhuld) powder* in warm water. Filter it when normal and drink it after meals. This water can be mixed with freshly mixed juices and drunk after every hour.] 8. *For Body Dryness, Sweet Sleep:* Apply Mustard oil lightly on the head, navel, nostrils, hands, soles of the feet (do not apply pressure on any tumor). Take a teaspoon of sweet Gourd Seed oil with lukewarm camel milk at night. 9. *For Vitamin D and Calcium: D-Cal Powder:* [Grind to powder the Moringa (Suhanjna) leaves, Asparagus Adscendens (Sufaid Moosli), Rock Sugar (Kooza Misri) (50g each)] and take equal to 1 to 2 chickpea, twice a day, with lukewarm milk or freshly mixed juices. Daily eat 2 boiled egg-whites and once a week take 1 capsule of fish oil. Daily sit in cold sun for an hour. Part II: Optional Nutritional Remedies: (Can follow many of the below prescriptions): 1. *Nutrition Remedy:* Eat goat mince twice a week, cooked in ginger and desi ghee. Take banana and date milkshake, strawberries, apples, guavas and papayas. Drink half a cup of chahaar-Arq, twice a day, for proper digestion. To avoid constipation, mix almond oil in warm milk and drink at night before sleeping. 2. Grind half a kilo of watermelon pulp in a blender jug with 15 strawberries. Then squize half a green and half a yellow lemon in the same juice and drink it an hour before the meeting. -OR/AND- Extract the juice of one watermelon along with the peel and heat about one kilo of juice on a low flame and then squeeze the juice of 3 lemons in it. When half is left, take it off and put it in a glass bottle

Fagonia (Dhamasa) Benefits

What is Fagonia? Bisically, the Fagonia (Dhamasa) is a plant found in deserted areas, but it is also widely spread in all areas including hilly surface. However, it’s pants cannot grow in the area of snowfall. Different names of the herb are as follows: Arabic Name: Badavard, Baadaaward, Shawka al-Baidaa, Shukaaa, AqsoonAssamese/Bengali Name: DuralabhaEnglish Name: Cretan Prickly Clover, Khorasan thorn, Virgin’s Mantle, Virgon’s MantlemLatin name: Fagonia arabica Linn.German Name: Fagonie, FagoniaGujarati Name: Dhamasi, DhamaasoHindi/Sanskrit Name: Dhamasa, Dhamaso, Dhamah, Damah, Damahan, Dhamhar, Durlabha, Duralabha, Dhanvayas, Samudranta, Gandhari, Dusparsha, Kachura, Ananta, Gilaregati, Khorasan, Hinguaa, Dhanhare, Dhanvyaas, Dhanvyas, DramahMarathi Name: DhamasaPersian Name: BadavardPashto Name: AzghakayPunjabi Name: Dhamah, Dhamaha, Dama, DhamaanUrdu Name: Dhamasa, Dhamaya, Soochi Booti, ShokaiMalayalam Name: KodittuvaTamil Name: TulganariTelugu Name: Chittigava, Gilaregati For more detail on types of Fagonia please click here. All types of Fagonia have similar benefits, but the type of Fagonia having more flowers and leaves, will give quick results. Fagonia is a single herbal medicine having miraculous curing effects on general health issues including serious illnesses like cancers, hepatitis, heart disorders, etc., without any serious side-effects. Some people misunderstand Fagonia as Camel Thorn, but in fact camel thorn is a separate plant. Its leaves are very thin and grow between two thorns. The thorns are in triplet or quartet. The branches of the plant are very thin so it can’t grow straight but it is laid on the ground, in shape of a small bush. The plant grows 9-12 inches, widely in a circle. Fagonia plant has sweet, bitter, sharp and sour taste according to different stages of growth and parts. This plant is found in Italy, Germany, middle-east countries, Pakistan and India. It has been accepted as treatment of cancers especially the blood and liver cancers. The color of flowers is purple. Plant has large number of small fruits near thorns. These fruits are quite like 00 in shape. Benefits of Fagonia: It is the best blood purifier and decomposes blood clots to save from brain hemorrhage and heart problems. It’s flowers and leaves can treat all types of Cancers, Thalasemia and PCOS/PCOD. Can be used for cooling effect – Treats all types of Hepatitis. Strengthens liver and prevents/cures liver cancer. Improves heart and mental ability. Helpful in treatment of body pains. Cures allergies. Heals pimples and other dermatology problems. Strengthens stomach. It alleviates symptoms like vomiting, thirst and burning sensation, etc. It increases the physical strength and weight of the week and under weight people. Helpful in controlling weight for bulky persons. Cures mouth & gum disorders. Normalizes blood pressure disorders. Treats asthma & breathing difficulty. Helps recovering from smoking side-effects. Hot infusion of Fagonia is given to prevent small pox. It increases urination and hence overhauls the kidneys and urination system. It is applied over neck stiffness. Being spermatogenic, improves sperm count in semen and helps normalizing the male and female reproductive systems. Perfectly controls Leucorrhoea (لیکوریا) disorders in women. Perfectly cures Atthra, an incurable female disease in Allopathic, in which blue or black spots appear in various parts of body skin. Atthra: Miscarriage, birth of dead child or immediate death of infant soon after delivery because of green or yellow color diarrhea or loose motions is caused by this horrible disease called ATTHRA. Some babies die before birth in the ovary. Some women only give birth to girl babies or only girls survive but boys expire after birth. Further some women experience stomach and liver disorder because of ATTHRA. They get weak and feel irregular heart beat and breathe disorder. Such women cannot bear normal pregnancy. Most pregnancies end with abortion and if not aborted, the infant will die. As an antioxidant, helps reducing stress. …and the list of benefits goes on. If you are still suffering from harmful diseases, it means you are yet unaware of the benefits of Fagonia (Dhamasa). How to use? The best remedy for Liver is Flowers and Leaves of this herb. It can be used to treat your disease within three to four months. Please choose any of the following options:1. Just collect Flowers, Leaves and Seeds of Fagonia. Wash them with warm water, dry in airy shadow, and when it is completely dried, then grind it to powder. Then mix one teaspoon or tablespoon (as per age and body weight) of this Fagonia Powder in any food or fresh fruit juice or just take it with water after meals, twice a day.2. You can also use whole green part of its branches inclusive of thorns, woods, leaves, fruits and flowers combined after washing and then grinding them in water. A cup or a glass of filtered juice, is enough to take after meals twice or thrice a day. It is better for all types of Cancers, Hepatitis or other liver problems.3. You can mash and grind the leaves or green branches of Fagonia like thick paste and then can convert them in shape of tablets in the size of a chickpea (چنا). Just swallow two tablets with morning/evening meals.4. If it is not available in green form, you can get its complete plant inclusive of flowers and leaves in dried form, from the stores in the market. Just grind them all to powder, filter it thrice with cloth and then fill the powder in 1000mg capsules. Take 1-2 two capsules immediately after meals, twice or thrice a day. The women suffering from Atthra disease will continue it in all nine months pregnancy to get healthy child. It has given great positive, curing results when it was used in liquid form, for just two weeks. Note: Never swallow it when your stomach is empty but take it during your food or immediately after finishing your food, otherwise, it may result in some gastric problems. دھماسہ کیا ہے؟ دھماسہ ویران علاقوں میں پایا جانے والا ایک خود رو پودہ ہے۔ اسے اردو میں دھماسہ یا سچی بوٹی، عربی میں “شوکت البیضأ”، پشتو میں ازغاکے ، پنجابی میں دھماں یا دھمایاں، ہندی میں دھماسہ، پوٹھوہاری میں تمہیاں ، سندھی