Constipation and Hemorrhoids or Piles Alternative Treatment Recipes

What to Avoid? Avoid excessive spices, cholesterol, lentils (Daal Masoor). Abstain entirely from meat, potatos, vetch (daal Maash), etc. Eat pumpkin, radish, daal moong, cereal and olive oil, etc. Must use Recipe No.1, and in addition, you can use any other recipe as well. Apply mustard oil two or three times daily in navel, nose and anus day. It protects constipation, respiratory allergies, including the diseases like constipation and hemorrhoids/piles. Grind one Caesalpinia crista (Maghaz Karunjwa) to powder and take empty belly in the morning, with fresh water, for a month. Clean your teeth five times a day. Grind and mix 250 grams of Fenugreek powder, 250 grams of small cardamom and take one teaspoon with water daily in morning and evening. Take 25 grams each of turmeric, aniseseed (Saunf) and sweet root (Malutthy), 10 grams of root bark extract of sumblo herb (Rasoont). Grind them to powder and use a teaspoon in the morning and evening with milk or buttermilk. Grind dried Amla to powder and mix it with one glass of cow milk. Add two tablespoons of honey and drink. Do it for two weeks. Cut a pumpkin peels into small pieces and dry them in the shadows. Now grind them to powder and take six to twelve grams of it in morning and evening with fresh water. The bloody diarrhea is also treated with it. Grind together Reetha Peel 50 grams, Resin Kathiria (Goond Kateera) 50 grams and make small tablets by mixing little hot water. Take one tablet with water, twice a day, before meal, for fifteen days. It also cures diabetes. Grind White Challis and kernels of Neem Seeds in equal weight. Now make tablets of the size of the gram beans. Take one tablet thrice a day with water, after one hour of meal. Grind 150 gram of dried peal of white carrots and 50 grams of sugar. Take one teaspoon empty stomach in the morning with fresh water, for a month. Wash fresh 250 grams of Neem leaves and dip into a bowl of water in 2 kg of water, in the evening and boil them on low heat in the morning in the same water. When the water dries up, let it cool down to normal. Now make the tablets of the size of black grams. Take two tablets at bedtime with fresh water. Use a month. Wash three or five dried figs, dip in half cup of water, in the evening, and then eat them in the early morning and drink water as well. Recite Surah Alum-Nashrah in first rakaat and Surah Al-Feel in second of Sunnah of Salat Al-Fajr. Recite Surah Al-Qadr, eleven times, blow on water and drink, thrice a day for seven days. =============== Prime Cancer Care & General Hospital (PCCGH), Prime Institute of Health Sciences (PIHS) One Kilometer from Motorway Chowk (Chungi No.26), Motorway Service Road, Sector H-15, Islamabad WhatsApp Message: 00923125448922 Timing: 9am to 1pm (First 3 Weeks of Month, Sunday Off) Location: —– For more information: YouTube Channel: =============== قبض اور خونی و بادی بواسیر کا قدرتی علاج:۔ ضروری پرہیز: سرخ گوشت یا یخنی، تمام دالیں یا ان کا شوربہ، تمام چاول اور بادی غذائیں (پھول گوبھی، آلو، کچالو، بھنڈی توری، اَروی، دہی، لسی یا کڑھی، وغیرہ)، انڈے کی زردی، سفید آٹا یا میدہ، تمام بیکری اور کریانہ آئٹمز (سلانٹیاں، کُرکرے، چاکلیٹ، چپس، ٹافیاں، وغیرہ)، تمام پیک شدہ بازاری جوسز، مشروبات اور کھانے، وغیرہ، تمام فوڈ سپلی منٹس، جنک فوڈز، تمام فرائی کی گئی غذائیں، (پراٹھے، سموسے، پکوڑے، پیاز اور لہسن میں تڑکا لگا کر پکایا ہوا سالن)، تمام شدید گرم یا بادی تاثیر والے تازہ یا خشک پھل، سبزیاں، غذائیں یا مشروبات (آم، کینو، چلغوزے، مونگ پھلی، پالک، بینگن، کریلے، پیاز، پھول گوبھی، آلو، مٹر، سوڈے کی بوتلیں، ٹھنڈا پانیٍ، چائے، وغیرہ)، تمام مائیکرو ویو اون میں تیار شدہ یا گرم کی گئی غذائیں، سرخ، سبز یا شملہ مرچ، سفید نمک، چینی، شکر یا گڑ، الکحل، تمباکو، پان، بیڑی، پلاسٹک کے برتن، وغیرہ کا استعمال۔ حصہ اوّل: یہ سب نسخے لازمی استعمال کریں: ۔1۔ گولڈن چھلکا اسبغول: اصلی چھلکا اسبغول 15 چمچ میں اصلی ہلدی 1 چمچ ملا کر رکھ لیں۔ روزانہ 3 بار، اس کا ایک بڑا چمچ، 2 چٹکی تا نصف چھوٹی چمچ *[تخم بلنگو، مقوی مفرح پوڈر]،* اونٹنی کے نیم گرم دودھ یا تازہ مکس جوسز کے گلاس میں ملا کر فوری خالی پیٹ پی لیں۔ *پیچش ہوں تو یہ 6 بار لیں۔* سوتے وقت چٹکی دائیں، بائیں گال میں رکھ کے سو جائیں۔ *منہ میں مرض ہو تو ہر وقت زیادہ رکھیں،* کھانے سے قبل کُلی کر لیں۔ ۔2۔ تازہ مکس جوسز: روزانہ 4 سے 6 بار، [سبز کدو، گاجر، چقندر، سبز سیب، تربوز، فالسہ] کے تازہ مکس جوسز کے نصف گلاس میں 1، 1 چمچ [لیموں کا جوس، جَو کے ستُّو، *عرق (مکو، کاسنی، سونف، برنجاسف یا گلاب)]* اور 1 چنے سے 2 چٹکی تک *سوڈیم بائی کاربونیٹ* ملا کر، مرچ سیاہ چھڑک کر پیتے رہیں۔ (لازمی 4 سے 6 چیزوں کا جوس ملا کر پینا ہے) ۔3۔ جوی (اوٹ) یا چکی والا جَو کا دلیہ یا جَو کے ستُّو یا ساگودانہ: پانی میں ہلکی آگ پر پکا کر، 2 ابلے انڈوں کی سفیدی، [بغیر ابالے اونٹنی کا دودھ، تھوڑا شہد یا سٹیویا] یا [ہاضم چٹنی، بغیر تڑکا سالن] اور چٹکی *سہانجنا پوڈر* ملا کر ۔یا۔ جَو، مکئی کے مکس آٹے میں تھوڑا گندم کا آٹا اور میٹھا صوڈا ملا کر، خشک روٹی توے سے اتار کر ثرید بنا کر ۔یا۔ دیسی گھی یا زیتون کا تیل لگا کر کھائیں۔ ۔4۔ بغیر تڑکا سالن: تھوڑی [سیاہ مرچ، معدنی نمک، اصلی ہلدی، لہسن، ادرک، تازہ یا خشک دھنیا، پودینہ، سونف، ٹماٹر (بغیر چھلکا اور بیج)، میتھی، مٹر، مشروم] اور زیادہ پانی میں ہلکی آگ پر بغیر فرائی پکائی سبزیاں [تمام کدو، ٹینڈے، توریاں، شلجم، گاجر، چقندر، بند گوبھی، کھیرا، سیاہ مرچ اور (پالک اور سرسوں کا ساگ برابر سبز دھنیا ملا کر)]، (2 اُبلے انڈوں کی سفیدی ملا کر کھائیں)۔ ۔5۔ ہاضم چٹنی: 3 حصے تازہ دھنیا، 1 حصہ تازہ پودینہ، ½ حصہ تازہ نیازبو یا تُلسی، تھوڑا [لہسن،

HEPATITIS: Care is the Best Cure!

What is Hepatitis Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver and characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The name is from the Greek hepar, the root being hepat, meaning liver, and suffix -itis, meaning inflammation. Liver acts as a chemical power plant Produces clotting factors Produces proteins Filters toxins Stores vitamins & nutrients Regulates hormones Symptoms of Hepatitis Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, anorexia (poor appetite) and malaise. Hepatitis is acute when it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. A group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses cause most cases of hepatitis worldwide, but it can also be due to toxins, other infections and autoimmune diseases. Jaundice, which causes a yellowing of the skin and eyes Fatigue Abdominal pain Loss of appetite Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Low grade fever Headache However, some people do not have symptoms. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Hepatitis A (HAV): Jaundice, self-limiting, never becomes chronic. Hepatitis B (HBV): Becomes chronic in only 10% of the cases. Hepatitis C (HCV): Becomes chronic in 85% of people exposed to it. Hepatitis D (HDV): Affects only if already infected with hepatitis B. Hepatitis E (HEV): Spreads by drinking water infected with the virus. It can also spread through oral-anal contact. Hepatitis A Virus HAV is caused by eating food and drinking water infected with a virus called HAV. It can also be caused by anal-oral contact during sex. While it can cause swelling and inflammation in the liver, it doesn’t lead to chronic, or lifelong, disease. Almost everyone who gets hepatitis A has a full recovery. Formerly prevented with gamma globulin New effective vaccine Hepatitis B Virus HBV can spread by: Sharing drug needles. Getting tattoo or body piercing with dirty tools. Getting pricked with a infected needle. Sharing a toothbrush, razor, or other personal items. An infected woman can give HBV to her baby at birth or through her breast milk. Through a bite from another person. HBV becomes serious infection that causes liver damage, resulting in cancer. Enveloped DNA virus Recombinant vaccine Hepatitis C Virus HCV spreads the same way as HBV, through contact with an infected person’s blood, semen, or body fluid. It causes swelling of the liver and causes liver damage that can lead to cancer. This may lead to a scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis. More likely than HBV to become chronic. No vaccine Hepatitis D Virus HDV is caused only if you are already infected with HBV. It is spread through contact with infected blood, dirty needles that have HDV on them, and unprotected sex with a person infected with HDV. It causes swelling of the liver. Hepatitis E Virus HEV is caused by drinking water infected with the virus. It causes swelling of the liver, but no long-term damage. It can also be spread through oral-anal contact. How Hepatitis is Spread? Hepatitis C Treated with Interferon alpha and ribavirin No cure but slows liver damage Transmission Hepatitis C: End-Stage Accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity Jaundice Bleeding – varices Mental confusion Weight loss Severe itching Swelling from excessive accumulation of watery fluid in cells Possible Related Problems These conditions do not indicate HCV infection but testing should be considered if no other cause can be identified. Kidney Damage Cryoglobulinemia Autoimmune Disorders Skin Conditions Thyroid Disease Type-II Diabetes Liver Cancer HCV/HIV Co-Infection When a person has HIV and hepatitis C, it’s referred to as co-infection and should be tested for hepatitis A, B and C. If negative for A and B, they should talk to their doctor about getting vaccines for A & B. Find a doctor knowledgeable about both HIV and HCV, and start discussing treatment Strategies for HIV and HCV. Discussions about treatment strategies should include consideration of the benefits and risks of immediate or deferred HCV treatment. Decisions to treat should be made on an individual basis. Treatment The decision to treat is a complex issue which must be made in consultation with a qualified physician, taking into consideration the following variables: Age of the patient General state of health Risk of cirrhosis Likelihood of response Other medical conditions that may decrease life expectancy or contraindicate the use of interferon or ribavirin. Patients with moderate/severe necro-inflammation and/or fibrosis should be treated. Treatment Options Currently there are only two options for Allopathic method of treatment of HCV infection. Interferon / Ribavirin (combination) Pegylated Interferon / Ribavirin (combination) All treatment decisions should be made by the patient and their treating physician. Treatment HAV HAV vaccine is available. Treatment with immune globulin can provide short-term immunity to hepatitis A when given before exposure or within 2 weeks of exposure to the virus. Avoiding tap water when traveling and practicing good hygiene and sanitation also helps prevent hepatitis A. It usually resolves on its own over several weeks. Treatment HBV The HBV vaccine is available for the best protection. Drugs approved for the treatment of chronic HBV include Alpha Interferon and Peginterferon, which slows the replication of the virus in the body and also boost the immune system. The antiviral drugs Lamivudine, Adefovir Dipivoxil, Entecavir, and Telbivudine. Severe acute HBV can be treated with an antiviral drug such as Lamivudine. Treatment HCV There is no vaccine for hepatitis C. The only way to prevent the disease is to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus. Chronic HCV is treated with Peginterferon together with the antiviral drug Ribavirin. If acute hepatitis C does not resolve on its own within 2 to 3 months, drug treatment is recommended. Treatment HDV People not already infected with hepatitis B should receive the HBV vaccine. Chronic HDV is usually treated with Pegylated Interferon. Treatment HEV There is no approved vaccine for HEV. The only way to prevent the disease is to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus. Hepatitis E usually resolves on its own over several weeks or months. Alternative Treatment