Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) – Safety and Natural Cure

Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) – Safety and Natural Cure: Novel Corona Virus and It’s Types: About a dozen types of corona virus have been discovered. Under a microscope, this semi-spherical virus can be seen with ridges that form a crown-like shape. In Latin, the crown is called corona, due to which it was also given the name “Coronavirus”. In the 1960s, the world heard the name of corona virus for the first time, when it was discovered in Europe. So far, a total of 13 mutated types have been identified, which were named as corona virus. Some of the subtypes of corona virus are deadly for humans, including Severe Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. (MERS) and the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). Severe respiratory syndrome, the SARS virus, infected more than 8,000 people in the early 2000s, causing nearly 800 deaths. The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) infected nearly 2,500 people in the early 2011s, killing more than 850 people. How Does the Corona Virus Attack? This virus infects the lower respiratory system by attacking the upper respiratory tract and causes life-threatening pneumonia or flu. Early symptoms of the new corona virus? Symptoms that may appear within 2 to 14 days of being infected with the corona virus. These include sore throat, difficulty breathing, dry cough, high fever (some patients do not have fever), restlessness, severe headache, conjunctivitis, cardiac problems and severe physical fatigue. In some cases, the condition becomes serious. Elderly people or people with pre-existing conditions are at greater risk of their illness worsening and becoming more serious. If the fever is persistent, the cough is persistent, and there is difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your doctor or health center. Mode of Transmission and Incubation Period: The novel coronavirus is transmitted through respiratory droplets or touch. During conversation, coughing or sneezing, the virus reaches about one to two meters and enters the sensitive salivary membrane of a healthy person, making even a sick person sick. If the droplets of an infected patient accumulate on an object and then the hands of a healthy person touch the relevant object, and then those hands touch the salivary membrane of the mouth, nose, eyes or other organs, then another person is also infected with the corona virus. goes It can also enter the human body through the nose, mouth or eyes. Its incubation period ranges from 1 to 12.5 days, but can be as long as 14 days. How is the New Corona Virus Diagnosed and Treated? The Chinese Health Department has presented the genetic draft of the corona virus that appeared in December 2019 to the world. So far, there is no antiviral drug or vaccine, because the new virus has emerged and experts are treating it based on its symptoms. Although China claims that only 2% of people infected with the virus have died. This is the reason that there is no need to be afraid of Corona, but the only need is to be careful. The International Health Organization says that there is no cure for the corona virus, but there is no truth in this. If an allopathic procedure fails, it does not necessarily mean that all medicine has failed. By the grace of Allah, there is a cure for deadly diseases like corona in medicine. The Chinese have also controlled the spread of the corona virus through the use of herbs. If someone tests positive for the corona virus, instead of considering it as a sign of death, they should first turn to natural remedies before the condition worsens. But if you come to natural treatment when the patient is on his last breath, then nothing can be said. Note: Please follow this chart completely, including foods, drinks and herbs. Avoidance: (To strengthen the body’s natural defense system (Immunity), follow the below avoidance) Cold air or cold drinks (cold water, soda bottles, packaged juices, ice cream, etc.), All bakery items (candies, crisps, chocolates, toffees, chips, biscuits, bread, etc.), All packaged market beverages or foods, food supplements, junk foods, alcohol, foods prepared or heated in microwave ovens, All Initiator/phelegmetic foods, drinks (cauliflower, okra, potato, pickle, milk, yogurt, butter, etc.) Use of air conditioner, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, etc. Precautionary Measures to Prevent Corona Virus or Lung Diseases: Disinfectant Solution (Hand Sanitizer): In a dropper or spray bottle, add water (200 ml), rose water (100 ml), methylated spirit (50 ml), Dettol (5 ml) and 2 pinches of salt and close the bottle for five minutes. Stir and apply this antiseptic solution repeatedly on your hands, face and neck. Repeatedly spray disinfectant solutions on doors, windows, car handles and other areas and objects that are touched. Before eating, after coughing and sneezing, after touching the mouth, nose or eyes, after using the toilet, after touching public facilities such as handles or doorknobs, car doors and steering wheels, etc., wash the hands with soap and apply disinfectant solution (sanitizer). Do not Touch Eyes, Nose and Mouth: Invisible viruses on hands can enter the body. Practice basic personal and environmental hygiene. Wear a Mask: People suffering from cough and flu must wear a mask and wash their hands again with antiseptic soap after wearing and removing the mask. Even healthy people should wear a mask before going out in public. Dispose of disposable masks safely. Use of AC: Turn off the aircondioners, protect the body from cold. Drink lukewarm boiled water. Green Tea: Put a sprig of fresh mint, a pinch of fennel, a pinch of corn, half an inch of ginger, a small cardamom in 3 cups of water, bring it to a boil on a low flame, squeeze half a lemon (including the peel). Corona, cold, cold, cough, fever will run away by drinking ukewarm half a cup in the morning and evening. Steam: Every day all the members of the house put a glass of water and 4 or 5 cloves or eucalyptus tree leaves in a pot, steamer or pressure cooker (pipe it to the whistle place) and steam

Allergies, Colds, Flu, Phlegm, Pneumonia, Asthma, TB, etc; Natural Cure:

Avoidance to Strengthen Natural Defense System (Immunity): Cold air or cold drinks (cold water, soda bottles, packaged juices, ice cream, etc.), All bakery items (candies, crisps, chocolates, toffees, chips, biscuits, bread, etc.), All packaged market beverages or foods, food supplements, junk foods, alcohol, foods prepared or heated in microwave ovens, All Initiator/phelegmetic foods, drinks (cauliflower, okra, potato, pickle, milk, yogurt, butter, etc.) Use of air conditioner, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, etc. Part I: Follow all below Dietary and Medicinal Prescriptions with Complete Abstinence: 6. Golden Asbhool Husk: Add 1 spoon of pure turmeric in 15 tablespoons of Asbagol Husk to make it Golden Husk. Twice a day, mix one tablespoonful of it, 2 pinches to half teaspoon of [Basil Seeds (Takhm Bilungu) or chia seeds, “Maqvi Mufarah Powder”] in a glass of lukewarm camel milk or freshly mixed juices and drink immediately on an empty stomach (In case of dysentery, take it 6 times). Before sleeping, put the pinch of it in the right and left cheeks (If you have a disease in mouth, always keep more. Rinse before eating. 7. Fresh Mixed Juices: Daily 2 to 3 times, add 1 tablespoon each of [Lemon Juice, Roasted Barley Flour (Sattu), Julep (Arq) of [Atropine (Mako), Chicory (Kasni), Fennel (Sonf), Mugwort/Artemisia Vulgaris (Berunjasef) or Rose (Gulab)], half teaspoon of Basil Seeds (Tukham Balangu) or chia seeds, 2 pinch of Sodium Bicarbonate (make sure to avoid baking powder) and a pinch of Black Pepper Powder] in half glass of freshly mixed juices of [green gourd (Kaddu), carrot (Gaajer), beetroot (Chiqandar), apple, watermelon, Grewia (Falsa)] (Drink the mixed juice of 4 to 6 things, on normal or lukewarm temperature). 8. Sauce for Stomach: Eat with each meal, one spoon of grinded mixture of leaves of Osmium Basilicum or Marjoram (Origanum Majorana or Tulsi), Coriander (Mint), Ginger & Garlic and Fennel Seeds, added with Black pepper and a little Pink Salt. 9. Digestive Green Tea: Boil fresh branch of [mint, basil (Niazbo)], pinch of [fennel, moringa (Suhanjna) powder or branch], 2 jujubes (Unab), 1 small cardamom in a cup of water, add honey and drink 2 to 3 spoons after each hour, at normal temperature throughout the day. 10. Fresh fruits: Apple, Fig, Grewia Asiatica (Falsa), Watermelon, Guava, Pear (Nashpati), Sweet Lime (Meettha), Papaya, Persimmon (Amlok, Japanese Fruit), Jambolan (Jamen), Apricot (Khobani), Sugarcane (Ganderi), Wheatgrass Juice, Boiled or Roasted Maize Corns/Cobs/Grain. 11. Dry Fruits (in small quantity in winter when pH level is above 7): Almonds, Apricots, Pistachios, Figs, Mulberries, Cashews, Indian Gooseberry (Amla), Myrobaslan (Hareerd), Terminalia (Baherda) – Soaked or rubbed in Julep (Arq) or water. 12. [Fresh Fagonia (Dhamasa) or Suchi Booti: (Azhghake or Spilaghzai in Pashto, Dhamiaan in Punjabi, Dramao in Sindhi). Wash whole green branches including flowers, leaves, seeds, thorns, make a paste and prepare walnut-sized balls (Laddoo) and freeze them. Thrice a day, place 1 Fagonia Ball in a glass of hot water. When desolved, strain it through a sieve and drink after meals (normal in summer, lukewarm in winter) -OR- [Twice a day, two hours before meals, soak half teaspoon of Green Dhamsa powder* (including flowers, leaves, seeds) and half teaspoon of Samblo root (Darhuld) powder in warm water. Filter it when normal and drink it after meals. This water can be mixed with freshly mixed juices and drunk after every hour.] -OR- [If there is phlegm, cough, lung cancer or water in the body: 1 to 4 grams of Akseer Dhamasa powder, twice a day, in lukewarm camel milk or fresh mixed juices after meals.] 13. For Body Dryness, Sweet Sleep: Apply Mustard oil lightly on the head, navel, nostrils, hands, soles of the feet (do not apply pressure on any tumor). Take a teaspoon of sweet Gourd Seed oil with lukewarm camel milk at night. 14. For Vitamin D and Calcium: D-Cal Powder: Grind to powder the Moringa (Suhanjna) leaves, Asparagus Adscendens (Sufaid Moosli), Rock Sugar (Kooza Misri) (50 each) & take half teaspoon (3 grams), 2 hours after breakfast & one hour before sleep, with lukewarm milk. Daily eat 2 boiled egg-whites and once a week take 1 capsule of fish oil. Daily sit in cold sun for an hour. 15. For Lack of Blood (Anemia), Burning of Hands & Feet or Frequent Urination, Shivering Fever: Khoon Khoon Afza Powder: [Soak 1kg Lime in 4kg water, and after 4 days filter the lime water. Make powder of copperas (Heera Kasees) 250g and Sodium Bicarbonate 250g and then grind the powder in Lime Water in a Mortar (Kharl) until whole Lime Water is dried in powder. Then add the powder of [blak seeds (Kalonji), chickpea seeds, carom seeds (Ajwain Desi) (150g each), ammonium chloride (Noshader), black pepper (100g each)] and mix it well]. Take 1 to 3 grams of powder, 3 times daily, after meals with lukewarm milk or freshly mixed juices. Part II: Optional: (i.e. not necessary for all): 16. For Asthma, Allergy, Phlegm, Cough: Aksir-T Warqi: Take 1 rice to 1 gram quantity, twice a day, with lukewarm camel milk or fresh mixed juices. 17. For All Types of Cough, Shortness of Breath: Boil 25 grams of Vasaka (Barg-e-Bansa), licorice (Mulathi), Jujube (Anab), Costus Root (Qaste Shireen), Amaltas Pulp (Guda Amaltas) (50, 50 grams each), Black Seeds (Kalonji) in 2 liters of water on low flame. When half is left, strain it and keep it in the fridge. Take 2 tablespoons in lukewarm water 3 times a day. (may sweeten with little honey). 18. For Phlegm, Cough: Suck 1 tablet “Sualeen” after each meal. Mix 5 grams of “Kushta Qarn-al-Eel” in “Khameera Binafsha”, “Laooq Sapstan”, “Laooq Khiyar Shanbar” (100 grams each) and lick a teaspoon in the morning and evening. Take 1 or 2 tablets of “Habb Kabid Noshadri” with water in the morning and evening after meals. 19. *Powder for Phlegm, Sneezing, Nasal Congestion, Liver Dysfunction:* Mix the powders of [Rhubarb Roots (Raiwand Khatai) (48g), Fennel Seeds, Licorice (Multhi), Turmeric, Solanum Nigrum (Mako Dana) (12g each), Kushta Sankh 10g], and give 1 to 2 grams, twice or thrice daily, with