Acupressure Healing
What is Acupressure? Acupressure is a form of Chinese method of treatment. It uses the fingers or similar tools to press acupressure points on the body to stimulate the natural self healing abilities. The Chinese have been using acupressure for over 5,000 years. How Does Acupressure Work? Acupressure points are places on the skin that are especially sensitive to bio-electrical impulses in the body. The points are junctures of meridian pathways that carry energy called chi the Japanese call it ki. The scientists have also mapped out and proved the existence of these points using electrical devices. These points can be stimulated with pressure, needles, or heat to release endorphins that relive pain, as a result pain is blocked the blood and oxygen flow is increased causing muscles to relax and healing to accelerate. Types of Acupressure: There are many different types of acupressure, and each practitioner may draw from a variety of methods. One of the most popular is Shiatsu, a Japanese technique based on ancient Chinese principles. Practitioners of Zen Shiatsu use their whole bodies as leverage to apply strong pressure. Barefoot Shiatsu practitioners bring the feet into play, as well as the hands, to rub and press acupressure points. In the Chinese acupressure variation known as Tui Na, practitioners use their hands for massage like kneading motions. Reflexology is a type of acupressure that involves pressure points on the feet and sometimes the hands. Benefits of Acupressure Relieving pain Balancing the body Reduces tension Increases circulation Relaxing Easing back pain Certain types of headaches, including migraine. Post-operative pain and nausea has been found to respond to pressure point massage. Morning sickness, motion sickness, and other types of nausea. Improve overall vitality and well-being. The Acupressure Treatment During a treatment, which can last anywhere from 15 minutes to nearly an hour depending on the severity of the problem, an acupressure therapist may have you sit or lie on a massage table. The therapist will work on the specific acupoints that relate to your condition. Pressing a point behind your knee, for example, can help address low back pain or pressing a point on the top of the foot may help ease the pain of migraine. Press each point for 3-10 seconds (longer in some cases). The points may be pressed and released repeatedly. If the problem doesn’t respond after about 20 to 30 minutes of treatment, acupressure may not be effective for you for that particular ailment. After a treatment, you will probably feel looser and more relaxed. You may experience a slight achiness, but you shouldn’t be in pain. Within three to eight visits, you should know whether the treatment is working for your ailment. Stress management usually requires a series of about six regular (weekly or monthly) treatments. Self Acupressure The self Acupressure is a cost-effective treatment and no special equipment is required, all you need is a finger of your own! You can use fingertips, knuckles, or thumbs to press you can also buy items that press for you. It can be performed alone anywhere any time. Each area of the body requires a different amount of pressure. If it hurts a lot when you apply pressure on a point, then use lighter pressure. The calves, the face, and genital areas are sensitive. The back, buttocks, and shoulders, especially if the musculature is developed, usually need deeper, firmer pressure. Press for around 1-5 minutes on any points you are treating and give an equal time to the same point on each side of the body, as in fact you may experience discomfort on one side when the problem is actually on the other side. Use moderate pressure do not try to drill a hole in yourself but also just resting a finger on an acupoint won’t have much effect. If you can’t find or know exact point location for your disease, just press various points on your hands or on your body. Wherever the problem lies, you will feel slight pain by pressing it. Just press the point 1-5 minutes to treat the disease. Caution: See a qualified acutherapist first and discuss possible acupoints. Acupressure Points Acupressure Techniques: Pressing There are two ways that acupressure points are manipulated: pressing and reducing them. To press points, use something blunt. Usually the fingers are used to press, but I find that for many points the fingers may be a bit too thick, so you’d have to press quite long and firmly. Ideal would be something 3 to 4 mm thick, like a (preferably used) pencil eraser that’s on the other side of a pencil. Some points can be pressed using a fingernail. Pressing points for less than half a second can already have a distinguishable effect. Just trying out a point you could press it only briefly. To get a full effect pressure should be applied for at least half a minute, but preferably longer, 1-2 minutes should do. Acupressure Techniques: Reducing To reduce a point, turn a finger over it in counter-clockwise direction, also for one to two minutes. It’s a good idea not to get into the habit of doing the same points every day. Do them when you feel you need them, don’t overdo it. Notice what effects points have on you. If you’re weak (from age, disease or whatever), don’t reduce points more often then necessary and be sure to also additionally press these points for a few seconds. Do a point on both sides of the body. General Acupressure Points to Stay Fit By checking and activating the following eight points daily, one can stay healthy: > LI-4 Situated in web of the thumb and index finger. You can get this point at centre of mount which forms when you press your thumb close to index finger. > TW-5 Situated at four fingers from the wrist crease. > P-6 Situated at 3 fingers from wrist joint at centre. > St-36 Situated at 4 fingers from knee joint at centre. > Liv-3